
Log4Php properties setting at runtime

I have a PHP application containing multiple modules and various settings within each module. I'd like to enable logging using log4php, but each individual module has different settings (ie. Log level, log file, etc). Some of these settings need to be changed on the fly by end users (log level), and I'd like to store these properties in ...

log4php - Change log file Name dynamically in log4php.properties

hi how can i change the log file name and path in log4php.properties dynamically log4php.appender.A8.File=../logs/logs.log Thanks ...

Logging/tracking in PHP: Scribe, Chukwa, log4php?

This is probably a pretty high-level question that requires a lot of explaining, but I'm in need of a lot of explaining. Basically I'm developing a PHP application that requires a lot of logging and tracking. Tracking clicks, interactions, performance, etc. etc. Anything under the sun. Facebook's Scribe and Yahoo's Chukwa are both great...

how do I configure log4php to filter by classname?

Is there any way to configure log4php to output logs only for a given class? ...

log4php will not work properly

So I recently discovered that the log4* package was available for PHP and upon seeing this eagerly downloaded the latest from the log4php website and followed the installation instructions. The instructions indicate that one is to download the tar package, untar, and place the following directory in a place of one's choosing: log4php/s...