
Postsharp and log4net and log4postsharp

I stumbled upon log4postsharp site which is a great tool that uses postsharp for injecting log4net statements into your code at compile time. The current version of log4postsharp uses Postsharp 1.0 which has some limitations. Does anyone know if there is somewhere a compiled version of log4postsharp that uses Postsharp 1.5 available? ...

Filtering log4net on method name - can't quite get it

I'm using log4net to log my web app's progress, using Log4PostSharp to AOP-injectify all methods. This has the desired effect of logging (almost) everything and is fine. I now have a requirement to log JUST Page_Load methods to a file / console. I can obviously hamstring the log4postsharp class to do that, but then I'd be losing all the...

asp.net mvc log4postsharp

Hi Iam trying to use log4post sharp for logging purposes, As far as Iam aware I have followed the instructions to get this up and running, I have not installed postsharp, rather I got the library files and midified my cs proj file to target those file, I have also tried installing postsharp on my machine. In either case I end up with th...

Log4Postsharp (dead?) with postsharp 2.0 or drop for ELMAH ?

Hi there, Does anyone know if the latest build (march 2010 - i beleive called log4postsharp 2.0) is compatible with postsharp 2.0 community edition? I have used postsharp 1.5 together the log4postsharp in the past and was very pleased with the outcome. But log4postsharp seems to be dead, is this true? SHould i concentrate more on ELM...

can't weave, please help

Need to modify Log4PostSharp project by inheriting from the ready-made (and working) custom attribute. It looks similar to this: [AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Assembly | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Constructor | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Module | AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple = true,...