
syslog output for log4r example

Hi, Can some one post an example of using syslog outputter for log4r, I am currently using stdout but want to log to syslog. mylog = Logger.new 'mylog' mylog.outputters = Outputter.stdout mylog.info "Starting up." raj ...

Properly using Log4r in Ruby Application

I must really be missing something obvious, but I'm having trouble with general use of Log4r in my Ruby application. I am able to log without issue, but the overhead seems clunky the way I have it setup. I'm basically passing the full path to a filename to log in each class in my application. The ruby script that is called pulls the l...

Log4r : logger inheritance, yaml configuration, alternatives ?

Hello, I'm pretty new to ruby environments and I was looking for a nice logging framework to use it my ruby and rails applications. In my previous experiences I have successfully used log4j and log4p (the perl port) and was expecting the same level of usability (and maturity) with log4r. However I must say that there are a number of ...