
Changing background image of logon screen programmatically?

I'd like to replace the bitmap on the logon screen of Windows 7 64-bit with one that is on disk. I have a program that periodically switches the background image of my desktop, and it has a configuration to run a program after it has changed it, which I thought I could use to also copy the same bitmap to the logon screen. Does anyone kn...

Display popup message when user login to site in J2EE(Filters)

Hi, I would like to show a popup message to the users when ever login to my site, only when login( later on it is not required). we are using java/j2ee for my application, and authentication provided using the Filters, once login success we are redirecting the request to the requested page(it is not the same always it depends on user a...

ASP.NET MVC + modelstate and partial view

I have a partial view called LogOn where i basically copied the logon inputs into a control. I am using Html.RenderPartial to place the control in my Index.Html inside of an Ajax.BeginForm <div id="login_ajaxtarget"> <% using (Ajax.BeginForm("Logon", "Account", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "login_ajaxtarget", HttpMethod = "Post...

How to create different View depending on logged in user's role in ASP.NET MVC?

I am kind of new to ASP.NET MVC, so need your help getting me through a problem: In my application the LogOn will be done using the Role of the user. I have my custom database schema (like User, Role, UserInRole etc.) and I am using my custom MembershipProvider and RoleProvider to achieve Logon. BTW I am using the MVC default Account ...

How do I logon Via a Windows Service?

Basically I want a windows Service that at a particular time, Logon on a windows (XP/Vista/7/2008) Machine? If this is Possible, Please show me the way? ...

programmatically login to OS X

Hi, I am trying to create a program which will receive user credentials from a remote machine (where the user will be working), and forward these credentials to the login window of OS X. I know it can be done using AppleScript, but this is not always working as expected. In particular it is not working when the Mac is booted and no us...

How to connect to remote Oracle DB with PL/SQL Developer?

I have a database "TEST", to which I connect at address How do I connect to it using PL/SQL Developer? ...

LDAP Gettling a list of logon names

I have the need in my program to get the list of user logon names in a group. This is what I have so far but it only returns all the users...which I need cut down to those in a group, of which i have the name of. Option Explicit On Imports System.DirectoryServices Imports System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory Module Module1 ...

VBSCipt LOGON Script - Evaluate two items and map shares accordingly

I have a logon script mapping user drives Windows Network. Some users are now logging into a terminal server these days and I'd like to map a different drive, based on computer name they are logging in to. I am looking at which user AD group they are in (departmental group so I know which shares to map). If IsAMemberOf(objNetwork.UserD...

How to get the logon SID in c#

Hi, How does one retrieve the Windows Logon SID in c# .net? (not the user sid, but the unique new one for each session). Thanks in advance, ...

Synchronous logon notification in Vista and Windows 7 for Windows services

Is there any way for a Windows service to get a logon notification as in the WinLogon notification package in Vista and Windows 7? I have a Windows service that needs to be notified about users logging in in a synchronous way. The user is not supposed to be logged on before the service has dealt with the logon notification. This worked ...

Unable to connect to ADAM with Windows domain\username

I'm having some difficulty connecting to an ADAM instance from my Commerce Server 2007 ASP .NET solution, and I believe it relates to my config file somehow. The short version is that I can connect to ADAM through ADAM-ADSIEdit with my current username/password, but when I put this in my web.config i get "Parser Error Message: Logon fa...

Updated: Interacting with the user on the windows logon screen.

@UPDATE: OK FOR ANYONE ELSE WHO IS SEEKING ADVICE ON THIS ISSUE... So far, the best thing i have found is to download yourself a cpy of pGina (http://www.pgina.org/) and for 2k/xp modify the GINA, and for vista/win7 you will need to create custom login credentials (pGina have the tools/samples to interface with the vista/win7 architectu...

Turn off Always Prompt For Logon Credentials in Outlook 2007 using vbscript

Is it possible to turn off "Always Prompt For Logon Credentials" in Outlook 2007 using vbscript? ...

problems with singleton COM servers and windows services

Hi, I am using Windows XP SP2, VS 2008 SP1 like this: brought up 2 singleton COM servers out of process in c++ one GUI app in c++ The GUI app used to instantiate both singleton COM servers and then two other programs used to load each singleton COM server - one server for the first prog, the other for second prog. All went well mi...

What's the best way to store Logon User information for Web Application?

I was once in a project of web application developed on ASP.NET. For each logon user, there is an object (let's call it UserSessionObject here) created and stored in RAM. For each HTTP request of given user, matching UserSessoinObject instance is used to visit user state information and connection to database. So, this UserSessionObject ...

Switching execution context inside logon trigger

I have a database called MyDB in a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express instance using mixed mode authentication. The application using the database MyDB currently connects using Windows Authentication, using the current user's Windows credentials. This login is a member of the 'public' server role, and has a user mapped to it in the MyDB d...

Get currently logged on interactive user for a remote machine?

How do I find out what user, if any, is currently logged on to some remote Windows XP machine interactively? .NET code would be great or any command-line utility that I can call from code. SysInternals psloggedon, as suggested on SuperUser, almost works, but it doesn't tell me which session is interactive. ...

Is there a way to automatically log onto a Windows XP machine at specific time?

How to set a specific logon time for a specific user on Windows XP? For example, the computer is an "always on machine" and most of the time no one is logged on. I want to set a time for my user to log on, without someone actually having to be in front of the machine. I've tried a workaround with the built-in auto logon function (control...

Get current user's last logon

I am trying to get the current's user last logon. I might be this current session or it might be one before that. I am calling GetUserName() to get the current username. I feed that into NetUserGetInfo() to try to get the last logon time. All this fails with error 2221 (user not found). When I tried with "administrator" it works. Even wh...