
Zoom Loupe on UIImageView

Does anyone know of a way to implement the zoom loupe functionality of a UITextField on the iphone in a UIImage view? Part of the app I'm building allows a user to draw a line on a UIImage, a process that might involve precision positioning of the points. In order to help the user, I want to provide the zoom loupe as seen when positioni...

jQuery PrettyPhoto/Lightbox with Loupe Magnifier

I'm trying to crowbar a magnifier, like this one, into prettyPhoto (picked because the JavaScript is nice). The trouble I'm having is initiating the loupe function when the prettyPhoto has loaded. If I include it in the prettyPhoto JavaScript, it just gets itself into an endless loop, or doesn't get called at all. I've nearly got it work...

Alternate Loupe effect with Javascript?

Im trying to achieve the alternate look effect with Javascript by editing loupe.js. Any recommendations? ...