
LSA - Latent Semantic Analysis - How to code it in PHP?

Hello! I would like to implement Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) in PHP in order to find out topics/tags for texts. Here is what I think I have to do. Is this correct? How can I code it in PHP? How do I determine which words to chose? I don't want to use any external libraries. I've already an implementation for the Singular Value Deco...

How to programmatically figure out if a user account is a member of a particular group in Windows?

Given a group name and a user account, I would like to know if the supplied user belongs to a particular group. The user can be a local user or a domain user and the group could be a local group or a domain group and the group could also be nested inside other groups. In short I am looking for a function like bool IsUserMemberOf(User, Gr...

How to determine whether an LSA session is active in Windows XP

I'm trying to get the list of users currently logged into a machine. On Windows 7, I can call LsaEnumerateLogonSessions, then WTSQuerySessionInformation with WTSConnectState. But on XP, each LSA session has 0 for the TS Session field (unless it's a Remote Desktop session), which always has WTSConnectState of WTSActive, and I end up lis...

I get an Access Denied error when calling LsaQueryInformationPolicy(), and I'm an admin

I get this error return whether I try LsaQueryInformationPolicy() on the local host or on some other machine in the domain. The flags I use for LsaOpenPolicy() are POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES | POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION but I also tried POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES | POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION | READ_CONTROL without success. The user I'm logged i...

Calling AuditQuerySystemPolicy() (advapi32.dll) from C# returns "The parameter is incorrect"

The sequence is like follows: Open a policy handle with LsaOpenPolicy() (not shown) Call LsaQueryInformationPolicy() to get the number of categories; For each category: Call AuditLookupCategoryGuidFromCategoryId() to turn the enum value into a GUID; Call AuditEnumerateSubCategories() to get a list of the GUIDs of all subcategories; Ca...

Question about custom windows authentication package

I'm building a custom authentication subpackage for MSV1_0 for Windows 7. I've used the msvsubauth sample in from the Windows SDK and I have 2 questions regarding some problems I'm facing with that: When I'm trying just to make sure that the routine get's invoked and set the Auth0 property in the registry to my package and add a simple...

How to build a conceptual search engine?

I would like to build an internal search engine (I have a very large collection of thousands of XML files) that is able to map queries to concepts. For example, if I search for "big cats", I would want highly ranked results to return documents with "large cats" as well. But I may also be interested in having it return "huge animals", a...