StackOverflow in List(Of T)

I have a program that uses in ASP.NET (VB.NET), when you search a term, results are stored in the data structure "hits". I want to read out the hits into an data structure and work with them, after that I display them in a DataGrid. By searching a term with a lot of results, often (but not always) there is an erro...

problem with lucene wildcard search at the end of search term

hello, i noticed a problem by searching, when i search for "myword" for example in textfiles (with, but when i search for "myword*" myword isn't found! in the description of using wildcards it says: Multiple character wildcard searches looks for 0 or more characters.[...] 0 or more, but it doesn't work actually. my...

Does Lucene.Net allow searching and indexing at the same time?

When my collection of files is updated then I want to search the newest data... Like windows Advance search option. ...

how to do incremental indexing in Lucene.Net ?

how to do incremental indexing in Lucene.Net ? ...

Finding the matched term in a wildcard search

I'm using and C# to carry out a wildcard search on a folder containing text documents. The content of the text documents is contained in the field using a reader, like this: doc.Add(new Field("contents", new System.IO.StreamReader( pathToFile, System.Text.Encoding.Default))); An example search term might be "poss*" whi... Query Parser Syntax Problem

Hey All, I'm having a problem building a complicated lucene query using the QueryParser. This is basically what I need to search for one of the fields (allowed): This Field Basically stores some series of keywords that specify some access. It could look like: -PPartners:ALL -PLevel:ALL -PRegion:ASIA, EUROPE, AMERICAS -PAffiliate:GOOGL...

Lucene/Solr Searching problem?

Hi I have a problem that i want to search in the specific locations in the indexed text, let we have a lucene document that contains text as <Cover> This document contains following items 1. Business overview. 2. Risk Factors. 3. Management </Cover> <BusinessOverview> our business is xyz </BusinessOverview> <RiskFactors> we have xyz...

Lucene.Net IndexSearcher not working with BooleanQuery

I have the following code snippet: QueryParser parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29, new string[] { Field1, Field2, Field3 }, _analyzer); parser.SetDefaultOperator(QueryParser.Operator.AND); Query queryOrig= parser.Parse(queryString); var query = new BooleanQuery(); ...

Split Lucene index files without reindexing

Is there a way to generate separate index files from a single one based on some sort of rule without reindexing the documents again? The original index contains none-stored fields which means I can't read documents and add them to the destination index. One option mentioned in SO is to clone the index into many and then delete the docu...

Lucene.Net Search by Order?

I have a bunch of docs with tags. Right now i sort based on score. However i would like to pull up X many documents and sort them by id newest first. How do i search that way and how do i limit the search to return X many docs? using 2.9 -edit- The master data is in mysql. Maybe i should do a query there instead? find all doc...

Is it possible to get the matching document and all its ancestors in one query?

To illustrate my requirements consider the following directory structure: C:\Dev C:\Dev\Projects C:\Dev\Projects\Test Project C:\Dev\Projects\Test Project\Test.cs C:\Dev\Projects\Foo C:\Dev\Projects\Foo\foo.cs (containing the word test) The basic document will have id, type, name and content fields, where type will be file or folder...

Lucene.NET: Camel case tokenizer?

I've started playing with Lucene.NET today and I wrote a simple test method to do indexing and searching on source code files. The problem is that the standard analyzers/tokenizers treat the whole camel case source code identifier name as a single token. I'm looking for a way to treat camel case identifiers like MaxWidth into three tok...

Indexing file paths or URIs in Lucene

Some of the documents I store in Lucene have fields that contain file paths or URIs. I'd like users to be able to retrieve these documents if their query terms contain a path or URI segment. For example, if the path is C:\home\user\research\whitepapers\analysis\detail.txt I'd like the user to be able to find it by queriying for path...

Keeping Sitecore Lucene Indexes Up-To-Date

I've got a Sitecore application, which creates and uses a number of Lucene indexes through Sitecore's built-in API. I need to make sure that items in the index are kept up-to-date when they are published. To do this, I've created a Sitecore Hook that detects when and item is saved to the "web" database and reindexes the item. It seems ...

Lucene: What is the difference between Query and Filter

Lucene query vs filter? They both does similar things like termquery filters by term value, filter i guess is there for similar purpose. When would you use filter and when query? Just starting on lucene today so trying to clear concept ...

Lucene .NET fixed filenames in index directory possible?

When building a Lucene .NET index it creates several randomly named files under the root index directory. My question is, is there a way to have these files have a static or fixed name and just overwrite upon re-index, or all be in one file? ...

Calculate the score only based on the documents have more occurance of term in lucene

Hi, I am started working on resume retrieval(document) component based on engine. It works great, and it fetches the document and score it based on the the idea behind the VSM is the more times a query term appears in a document relative to the number of times the term appears in all the documents in the collectio...

ASP.NET search indexing building strategy

This is what I'm planning to do and I'd appreciate anyone's input: I've built a forum in MVC and now want to add Lucene.Net for search. My plan is to run an index builder thread every 5-10 minutes to update the search index with the changes made to the each discussion. The way it will work is I keep the date and time for the l...

How to index forum discussions for search?

For a discussion forum, does it work better to index each entry inside a discussion thread as a separate lucene document or simple concat all entries within a discussion into one big block of text and index a whole discussion thread as a single lucene document? ...

Lucene.NET result using sql like LIMIT? + 1k question

I agree with this answer and like it but i really would rather have this solved before going live. So i am starting a bounty in hopes my ass isnt bitten later ;). With Lucene.NET 2.9.x any version using .NET. How might i search and limit/page the results similar to the limit keyword in SQLite and MySql? I'd like to find the top 20 doc...