Lucene ChainedFilter vs. BooleanFilter

I want to combine several filters in a Lucene search. It seems that there are two classes that can help with this: ChainedFilter and BooleanFilter. ChainedFilter is a contributed class, and has been around for longer. It supports AND, OR, NOT, and XOR. BooleanFilter is a newer, main-line class. It supports the unusual "Should", "MustN...

How do I build an Index in Nhibernate.Search (Lucene.Net)?

Hi, I'm trying to add a search field to my web site (ASP.NET MVC 2) and was told it'd be a good idea to use Nhibernate.Search, seeing that I was already using Nhibernate in the rest of the project. Anyway, I followed a coulpe tutorials, namely this one, and some questions and answeres on this site, but in the end, it does not build an...

RavenDB: Grammatical and phonetical analysis?

I'm a little confused about the level of integration between Lucene.NET and RavenDB. Lucene supports grammatical and phonetical analysis of texts (like word stemming, Metaphone) to allow searches that match the document based on similarity. Now Lucene is used for querying indices, and from what I take from the documentation, also for bu...

How to perform Phonetic and Aproximative search in

When I read the docs, the only analyzer that I find is the standard one. I want to make sure I can do Phonetic or Aproximative search on my index. Is there some extra library I should use on top of ... folder search

Hi, I am newbie in I want to search a content from the folder which may have all type of files (.txt, .xls, .pdf, .exe, .ppt, .doc,...). Suppose if I search any content, I want to list the filepath & content matched (it should be highlighted) inside the file if any. Any sample code would be appreciated. Note : I am want t...

How do I disable some entities based on a few properties in NHibernate Search?

Hi all.. Im still pretty new to NHibernate.Search so please bear with me if this is stupid question :) Say, I have indexed some entities of type BlogPost, which has a property called IsDeleted. If IsDeleted is set to true, I don't want my queries to show this particular blogpost. Is this possible? And if it is - How? :P Thanks in adv...

Lucene adding additional filter returns no results

I am attempting query some results using a Boolean Query. However the query does not return any results. Here is the FilterQuery I am running. This returns no results, even though the field foo contains bar, and the field foo3 contains bar3. And I have triple checked my fields to make sure that the fields do exist in the index. +(foo...

Filtering by date range in Lucene

I know the title might suggest it is a duplicate but I haven't been able to find the answer to this specific issue: I have to filter search results based on a date range. Date of each document is stored (but not indexed) on each one. When using a Filter I noticed the filter is called with all the documents in the index. This means the ...

Search across fields in Lucene

I'm a complete noobie with Lucene and so far a huge, huge fan. I'm now looking for some resources on how to store data and search through c# and dotnet. Any LINQ samples would be a big bonus to me. In particular if I have a document that has two fields defined as say title and description, how can i search in both? in the sample belo...

Lucene IndexWriter slow to add documents

I wrote a small loop which added 10,000 documents into the IndexWriter and it took for ever to do it. Is there another way to index large volumes of documents? I ask because when this goes live it has to load in 15,000 records. The other question is how do I prevent having to load in all the records again when the web application is r...

What is the correct way to rebuild Lucene's index

I have a forum like web application written in MVC. I'm trying to implement as the search engine. When I build my index, every now and then I get exceptions related to Lucene not being able to rename the deletable file. I think it's because I empty the index every time I want to rebuild it. Here is the code that deals ...

Query types within Lucene

Lucene NOOB alert! I consider myself to be a human of at least reasonable intelligence, however I am having enormous problems mentally grokking the query types within Lucene. In my particular instance I need to search a single string field in my document that is of only moedrate length (avg around 50 chars). I want the user to be able...

Lucene gotchas with punctuation

Whilst building some unit tests for my Lucene queries I noticed some strange behavior related to punctuation, in particular around parentheses. What are some of the best ways to deal with search fields that contain significant amounts of punctuation? ...

Index strategy for tagged documents where tags can change often

Hi, In addition to text content my documents have tags which can be searched too. The problem now is that the tags change quite often and every time a tag gets added or removed I have to call UpdateDocument which is quite slow when done for hundreds of documents. Are there any well performing strategies for storing tags that change oft...

Lucene behaviour in mocked unit tests

Now this is just strange: The code as it is below works fine in a NUnit unit test with RhinoMocks (the assert passes). This is creating an IndexSearcher in the code. Now if I use the mocked version of Get (swap the commented assignment of IndexSearcher) so now the searcher is returned by the mock, it doesn't pass the assertion. Can a...


I have a program written in with At first I create an index from 28000 documents. Secondly I'm executing a search, but sometimes there is an error. (I think this error is thrown when there are many results) The important part of code: Dim hits As Hits = searcher.Search(query) Dim results As Integer = hits.Length() ... - search term too short??

Hello i have an application with lucene, when i'm searching terms like "a", "a*", "an", "an*" ,... throw an error: Ausnahmedetails: Lucene.Net.Search.BooleanQuery+TooManyClauses: Systemfehler Quellfehler: Zeile 130: Zeile 131: Dim searcher As IndexSearcher = New IndexSearcher(rootpath + "\" + index_root) 'Suche...

Wildcard at the Beginning of a searchterm -Lucene

Hello, As far as i know lucene(.net) doesn't support the wildcard at the beginning of a searchterm --> "Note: You cannot use a * or ? symbol as the first character of a search." for example *myword maybe because it's quiet difficult to search "everything" before the searchterm...

Lucene index deleted when opening with Luke/Indexreader

I was creating a lucene index when my indexing program crashed. The indexer had processed about 3M documents before crashing, producing a 14GB file. When I opened the index in Luke (with force unlock), the whole index was gone!. poof. The opened index had 0 documents and its size was reduced to 1kb. Did anyone experience this, or can of...

Lucene.NET query where field exists

How do a query lucene.NET to ask for all documents where the field 'fieldname' exists? ...