
Painting javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics on LWUIT Component

What would be the best method for getting a custom element (that is using J2ME native Graphics) painted on LWUIT elements? The custom element is an implementation from mapping library, that paints it's content (for example Google map) to Graphics object. How would it be possible to paint the result directly on LWUIT elements (at the mom...

JavaMe deploy

Im using Eclipse 3.4, EclipseMe 1.7.9. Im trying to deploy/"create package" a simple project with an external .jar file (LWUIT.jar) included. When I try to create the package with the the .jar file exported (Properties -> Java build path -> order and export) I receieve the following error msg: "Error during build" (Details: Errors duri...

How do I align textPosition for a label?

I wonder if it is possible to set textPosition() for a label that includes an image and a text part so that the text is both TOP and LEFT. The problem I have now is that I need the text to be TOP but when that is selected the text is centered over the image. My wish is that the text is over the image but to the left and not centered. I w...

left and right command menus in LWUIT form

Using LWUIT framework to develop mobile application. In LWUIT by default first command is placed in the left and subsequent commands will be placed in the right menu of the form including the command which is already placed in form left.I need to add two menus to form.Left menu contains general application specific commands such as "Mini...

LWUIT list items

Hi, i need to add in list components that are not equal in height, is there a way for it to work? ...

How to use grids/Tables in LWUIT?

How to use grids/Tables in LWUIT? ...

JavaME - LWUIT images eat up all the memory

Hi, I'm writing a MIDlet using LWUIT and images seem to eat up incredible amounts of memory. All the images I use are PNGs and are packed inside the JAR file. I load them using the standard Image.createImage(URL) method. The application has a number of forms and each has a couple of labels an buttons, however I am fairly certain that on...

J2ME, LWUIT (V. 1.2) - Menu bar from bottom to the right of the screen!

I'm working with the mobile graphic framework LWUIT (V. 1.2) to develop an application for Nokia N97. Results are striking and elegant but I have a problem: when I rotate mobile screen, menu bar doesn't switch from bottom to the right of screen. Commands remain on the bottom while correspondent mobile buttons are now on the right... Is...

Hide virtual keyboard for fullscreen j2me app

I developed a J2ME app using LWUIT and it works fine but when I try the app on a mobile phone with Windows Mobile 6 it displays the virtual keyboard overlapping the softkeys until I double clik it. I already tried to use the following attributes on the application jar but they didn't worked: Navi-Key-Hidden: true Nokia-MIDlet-On-Screen...

Blackberry - Can't change theme after lwuit was installed

I've used lwuit in my j2me application and it works well. When I've converted .jar file to .cod file and install it on BB emulator, I've faced runtime error 104. Then I got the blackberry demo and lwuit.jar file included with it and when install it on BB it works well. But after I edit the theme.res file application doesn't open an...

java me lwuit : string does not fit on screen

i am using sun's lwuit library for making my user interface in java me. i have a string containing newline characters. this is what i do: String str = "lfjsdfsdfdkf\nsfljl\nsdfj"; TextArea box = new TextArea(str); box.setEditable(false); tab.addComponent(box); tab is of type com.sun.lwuit.Container. Now when the string is displayed o...

lwuit container

i have added a container named btnBar with boxlayout(x-axis) on a form. the container has 4 buttons of custom class MyButton that extends from Button itself.when i add actionlistener to one of the buttons in the container it gets invoked for each n every button.Even the actionevent.getsource.gettext method returns the same value irrespec...

Fail to preverify LWUIT with Antenna

Hi , I am using the LWUIT library (j2me). When I compile the code with my IDE (intelliJ) everything compiles and runs fine, but when I'm building it with Antenna (latest version), I fail on the preverify task. The log says the following: Error preverifying class com.sun.lwuit.Button VERIFIER ERROR com/sun/lwuit/Component.drawPainte...

Disposing a dialog in touch devices in lwuit

I am displaying a dialog when a user touches the screen and want the dialog to dispose when the user touches anywhere outside the dialog.i have set setDisposeWhenPointerOutOfBounds() to true though by default it is...n hav written the following code in pointerReleased() event but whenever the user touches the screen outside of dialog the...

Are there public themes for LWUIT that I can download

Hello, I am beginning my first steps in J2ME and working now on the LWUIT. I am wondering where can I find ready themes that I can use? ...

J2me Blackberry Numeric Input

Hello, I am developing a blackberry application using j2me and LWUIT (blackberry port). Everything works great except for the TextField in numeric mode. Basically when you have focus on the TextField you have to first go into "NUMERIC" mode (by pressing alt + aA) in order to input, which is not user friendly and a problem. The propose...

Draw over camera using JAVA ME

I'm wondering if there is anyway for drawing somethin over the videoControl. I tried using LWUIT but I can't achieve any result, have anybody done somethin similar? Any help will be appreciate ...

Error preverifying class NetBeans 6.8 using lwuit api

I'm trying to develop a portable J2ME appli, but Netbeans do a class preverification of LWUIT library that uses optional APIs that some configurations don't have, so I get this error when I try to compile on a configuration without JSR-184 (M3G Optional API): Error preverifying class com.sun.lwuit.animations.Transition3D VERIFIER ER...

Problem on creating font using a custom ant task, which extends LWUIT's FontTask.

Hi. I am new to LWUIT and j2me, and I am building a j2me application for showing Japanese text vertically. The phonetic symbol part of the text should be shown in relatively small font size (about half the size of the text), small Kanas need to be shown as normal ones, and some 'vertical only' characters need to be put into the Private ...

How to display conjuncted letters [Bengali Language] using LWUIT in mobile?

Hi, I have been trying to develop a simple J2ME application using LWUIT in Bengali language. However, because of heavy usage of vowels as conjuncted letters in Bengali language, I am facing some problems with LWUIT. For example let us say, “X” is a consonant letter and “@” works as a vowel in Bengali; now they are combined together whe...