Spotlight indexes at the file level, so a file containing a complicated data structure may need to be split into a set of files for Spotlight to index it in a useful way.
Can you use MacFUSE to achieve this more dynamically?
Will Spotlight index a MacFUSE volume?
Can MacFUSE handle the necessary per-file metadata?
Can a MacFUSE proce...
I got the impression from the MacFUSE site that when you install it and connect an NTFS volume it will be writable. However, the volume I mounted is read only. Here is some of the output of mount...
The NTFS external USB drive I'm talking about:
/dev/disk1s1 on /Volumes/SATA160 (local, nodev, nosuid, read-only)
An OS X format externa...
Is there a way to configure MacFUSE to keep a mounted volume alive if the remote host is set to break the connection due to inactivity? If there is no direct way to configure this, would there be a way to write a script to accomplish this?
On a Vista machine with the valid path C:\Users\David, calling Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Users\David") throws the following ArgumentException when run as the David user, who can view the contents of the directory just fine in Windows Explorer:
System.ArgumentException message: Illegal characters in path.
Argument: ""
Stack trace:
at Sy...
I want to ensure that my application doesn't have any UI freezes when working on files on slow filesystem (e.g. networked, CD/DVD or spun-down HDD).
I'm using Cocoa filesystem operations directly. I'm afraid it would be too much effort to mock or abstract all of it just for testing, and besides there could be non-obvious ways in which m...
Here is my workflow: I use Macfusion to mount a server over SSH, and then edit the root directory of the project in TextMate (using mate /Volumes/server/projectdir). I have a plug in installed that disables refreshing on refresh. This works ALMOST perfectly--the only thing I have problems with is "Find in Project": it's REALLY slow. Has ...
I am writing a MacFuse plugin, and would like finder to use the appropriate icons & launch the appropriate app when a file is opened.
It is not possible for me to add an extension to the file, so my only other option in Snow Leopard is the NSFileHFSTypeCode. I have reviewed all of the codes registered on my machine using http://www.rub...
I seem to be unable to properly mount my mongoDB database as a drive using gridfs-fuse. Here are the steps I am following:
I followed the directions listed here:
I am running Mac OS X Leopard (64 bit) and have mongodb running and linked at /opt/mongo.
Scons ru...
I'm creating a MacFUSE filesystem for adding HFS write support to Mac OS X Snow Leopard, and it mostly works, but the system creates .Spotlight-V100 and .Trashes directories on the mountpoint in /Volumes before the volume is actually mounted, so those two directories stay there after the volume is unmounted, which prevents the mountpoint...