
Are bytes/words/addresses signed or unsigned in Z80 assembler/machine code?

I am making an emulator for Z80 binaries but I cannot find out whether all the integer data types are signed or unsigned from the manual or from google. So are the numbers from registers A,B...HL,BC etc signed or not? Also, in machine code are the bytes/words/addresses which come after the instructions as arguments signed or unsigned? ...

Where to store the bootloader on a floppy image?

I'm going to write and test a bootloader. In order to do this, I am planning to copy the bootloader onto a floppy image file and mount it in a VM. However, I'm not sure where to put the bootloader's machine code. Does it just get dumped into the first few bytes of the file? ...

Is assembly code cross-platform?

0x042444FF; /* inc dword ptr [esp+4] */ 0x042444FF is the machine code,while inc dword ptr [esp+4] is the assembly code, I know machine code is NOT cross-platform,as it depends on many factors. What about assembly code, does it depends on CPU ? ...

Is there a command line tool to get the machine code for an assembly instruction ?

0x042444FF; /* inc dword ptr [esp+4] */ I need this tool to know which part means inc , dword or vice versa. ...

How are hex sequence translated to assembly without ambiguity?

8B EC 56 8B F4 68 00 70 40 00 FF 15 BC 82 40 A senquence like above can be segmented in various ways,each segment can be translated to corresponding assembly instruction, but each binary executable has its only DEFINITE assembly ,what's the mathematical principle that avoids ambiguity? UPDATE The answer with most votes doesn't act...