
Could MacRuby / HotCocoa supplant the need to know Objective-C?

I just discovered MacRuby / HotCocoa and really like the sound of what they're doing. I had essentially discounted the prospect of making Cocoa GUI applications myself because I have an aversion to spending time & effort learning yet another C-based language, Objective-C. I'm not saying it's bad, just not for me. Is it the case now, or...

MacRuby - CLLocation Properties Not Accessible

This works in Objective-C but in MacRuby I cannot find a way to access the properties of the Boxed object that is returned. MacRuby Version 0.7 -> latest build as of 2010-05-02 OS -> 10.6.3 Objective-C Version: CLLocation *loc = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:38.0 longitude:-122.0]; NSLog(@"Lat: %.2f", loc.coordinate.latitude); ...

Learn MacRuby or Objective-C?

Well, my fisrt question was a bit too general so i ll try again and hope this one is better. The way i see it is: Ruby->MacRuby or IronRuby or Rails Obj-c->Mac Development So Ruby has clearly more potential in desktop and web platforms and now with MacRuby, OSX native (and commercial) apps are on the way. If i get it wrong please correc...

Using ASIHTTPRequest to download a file with Cocoa/MacRuby

I'm still trying to get a handle on Cocoa (both in Obj-C and MacRuby), and I'd really appreciate seeing how to download a file with ASIHTTPRequest (or without it) and MacRuby. Ideally, I'd like to be able show the progress inside a progress bar too. Must use a cocoa method for downloading, since open-uri in MacRuby is borken. Thanks fo...

How can I discover what apps are installed on OS X using Objective C or Macruby?

Hi, could you tell me please - which object and which method can i use to fetch information about installed applications on OSX with objective c or macruby? ...

How to install Nokogiri as a Macruby gem?

The latest MacRuby release notes (v0.6) state that the authors have managed to get this release working with the SQLite and Nokogiri gems. However when I run sudo macgem install nokogiri I get the following errors: ERROR: Error installing nokogiri: extconf failed: and then a bunch of paths followed by: libxml2 is missing. try 'por...

Error when using --static option with macrubyc

I want to create a binary executable for a relatively simple script that would not require people to install macruby or HotCocoa. The script is here. I've understood that I want to use the --static option for the compiler and I'm using the following command: macrubyc -o postprocessor --static postprocessor.rb I get the following error...

Loading a private frameworks in MacRuby

I'm attempting to follow this tutorial 'Demystifying Plugins on Leopard' to build a plugin. Instead of using PyObjC I'm trying to use MacRuby. I've got MacRuby 0.6 loaded up and I've gotten to this step in the tutorial (PyObjC code): MVMailBundle = objc.lookUpClass('MVMailBundle') I've search the web a bit but can't...

Hotcocoa installation path error

I have installed MacRuby 0.6 and then the hotcocoa gem from Github. However, when I try to create a hotcocoa application with eg. hotcocoa demoapp I get the error -bash: /usr/local/bin/hotcocoa: No such file or directory Typing 'which hotcocoa' results in /usr/bin/hotcocoa Other online documentation seems to suggest that this ...

MacRuby: load cocoa bundle

hi , I created a custom cocoa bundle. But when i try to load the bundle into MacRuby project,I get the following err dyld: Library not loaded: audio_streamer.bundle Referenced from: /Users/sgopinath/workspace002/UplayaDesktopRadio/build/Debug/ Reason: image not found I created the...

Mac development - Start with MacRuby or Objective-C?

I want to dive into developing applications for the Mac and later also for the iPhone. For me as a Rubyist it is clear that I learn both, MacRuby and Objective-C. The question is only in which order I should do that. Is it easier to learn Objective-C first and then combine the knowledge of both worlds and start learning MacRuby, or is it...

Where is that modified version rails3 running on macruby? In MacRuby blog. They said that: This release also passes about 85% of RubySpecs, is able to run a modified version of Rails 3, and implements better support for Ruby 1.9 encodings. How can I get that modified version rails3? Google cannot give me answer. ...

Foundation tool OS X Service, Garbage Collection, MacRuby: why my NSRunLoop won't loop in acceptInputForMode:beforeDate:?

I'm writing an OS X Service with MacRuby. It upcases the selected text. It mostly works, but… well, here's all of it: #!/usr/local/bin/macruby # encoding: UTF-8 framework 'Foundation' framework 'AppKit' class KCUpcase def upcase(pasteboard, userData: s_userdata, error: s_error) incoming_string = pasteboard.stringForType "public.u...

MacRuby+IronRuby or JRuby for Desktop Applications?

For Web Applications I use Ruby on Rails. And now it's time to see if I can code Desktop Applications with Ruby. So I wonder which one I should choose. The way I see it is MacRuby+IronRuby vs JRuby. The former lets me have desktop applications for both Mac and Windows while the latter lets be have in both, but only learning one tool. ...

forKeyPath troubles with Quartz Composer and MacRuby

Hi All, I am having some issues with setting values using MacRuby and Cocoa. I have the inserted the QCView and the QCPatchController into the XIB and loaded the composition into the QCPatchController. Everything is running but I cannot access the published inputs on the QCView. attr_accessor :myQCView #this is bound to the QCControlle...

Good resources to learn MacRuby

I do not know Ruby and I am interested to learn MacRuby. What would you recommend as your best resource (books, blogs, sites) to learn MacRuby? Found: ...

How do I override initWithContentRect in MacRuby?

I want to override initWithContentRect on a subclassed NSWindow, as I've seen done in Obj-C, in order to create a borderless window from a nib. If I try this: class GroupWindow < NSWindow def initWithContentRect(contentRect, styleMask:windowStyle, backing:bufferingType, defer:deferCreation) super.initWithContentRect( conten...