
Redirect Magento to checkout onepage after adding item to cart

Hi! How can I redirect the user after it adds one item to the cart? lets say I want him to choose one item and go to the checkout/onepage, how can I do that? Thanks, Joe ...

Magento with external datasource

I'm a .Net developer, I focus mainly on the system logic rather than UI stuff, and I actually know zero about PHP so please excuse any ignorance! We are looking at using a marketing/SEO/design agency to aid us in launching a website, and they use Magento. However we have a completely bespoke order fulfilment system, which already exists...

Url rewriting causes Magento admin to become inaccessible

I have magento in a subdirectory in the root and if I set the secure base url and secure base url link to the correct shared ssl url to enable secure pages I have no problem in the FRONTEND. The pages displays as they should. However when I try to access the admin with the secure link below I cannot gain admittance. For instance in the...

Are my Magento permissions correct?

I have a fresh install of Magento using MAMP 1.8.4 on OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I'm unable to load magento/downloader (the Magento Connect Manager) successfully. My browser displays a blank white page. Safari's Activity window tells me it's an Internal Server Error, which tells me my permissions may be incorrect. I have changed ...

Why magento does not provide Guide or Manual for developers?

Hello, Can anyone know why magento does not provide any manual or developer guide? All most all framework and CMS provides their official development manual But in the case of magento I did not found any official manual which is very surprising thing. Learning magento is hard because they are making this thing hard. Thanks ...

magento custom states for country

Hello, Im working on magento latest version .The store is for UK ,i need to add country like Manchester,London,yorkshire etc..This should show in the shipping setting when i select UK from the dropdown viz :default is USA and also in the shipping and billing address.And the defaut country should always be Uk as default How can i do that ...

custom module links not appear after upgrading the magento. it will work on local machine but not work on live?

Hello, I have one big issues don't know due to my mistake or magento's structure. i have update the magento to and all work fine on my local machine but when i have moved it to live then in admin custom module's link are not appeared . i have also tried for clearing the cache and re login but it wont work.. can any one help?? ...

static page links not working without index.php in front

Hi, I created static pages in admin and when I try to open We get 404 page If we put index.php in front like this It works I have checked that mod-rewrite works on server. I have been switching 'Use Web Server Rewrites' to yes and no in magen...