
Querying django ManyToMany

I have got Foo <=> FooGroup <=> Bar relation, where <=> stands for ManyToMany field. How do I retrieve all the Foos for a specific Bar instance? ...

Many to many relationship with Ruby on Rails

I'm working on my first project with RoR and I need to create many to many relationship between two models but with possibility of ordering objects of first model in association to second model. Let's say that I have two following models - Customer - Route I want assign many Customers to many Routes but with storing order of this assoc...

Setting up/Inserting into Many-to-Many Database with Python, SQLALchemy, Sqlite

I am learning Python, and as a first project am taking Twitter RSS feeds, parsing the data, and inserting the data into a sqlite database. I have been able to successfully parse each feed entry into a content variable (e.g., "You should buy low..."), a url variable (e.g., [u'']), and a hashtag list (e.g., #stocks', u'#...

findManyToManyRowset with Zend_Db_Table_Select

Hello. I'm trying to use a select object to filter the results of a many to many rowset. This call works great: $articles = $this->model->findArticlesViaArticlesUsers(); This however does not: $articles = new Default_Model_Articles(); $articleSelect = $articles->select(); $articleSelect->where("status = 'published'") ->...

DynamicLinq OrderBy in n:m relation table

Hi, there is any way to order a query by a many-to-many relation table column in linq? and in scottgu's DynamicLinq? For example: Products: p_id, p_name Product_Order: p_id, o_id, quantity Order: o_id, o_name how can I query for order by Product_Order quantity? from p in model.Products order by p.Product_Order.quantity select p ...

Displaying Many-to-Many relationships (Nested ListViews?)

I appreciate that this may be a fairly simple question - but I'm having quite a bit of trouble (as a fledgeling ASP.NET developer). I've gained a number of ideas from SO and Google with no luck and I think I'm beginning to over-think this, it seems such a standard scenario that I believe I'm missing something obvious. I have for example...

Intermediate model to join two seperate models in Ruby on Rails

I am trying to create an intermediate model between two models that I'd like to have a many to many relationship. I am creating an atypical book checkout project and have two models setup Book and Person. I'd like to setup an intermediate model BookCheckOut to track OutDate and ReturnDate. Dan Singerman provided what looks like the answ...

Need help with many-to-many relationships in core data for iPhone

Hello everyone, I have come to a roadblock in my current project. I basically have an app that is much like the Core Data Recipe app... Here is the basic structure I have in my .xcdatamodel Entity: Restaurant String: name Category: category <---- to-many relationship Entity: Category String: name Restaurant: restaurant <---- to-many re...

Named Scope Problem With "Has Many Through" Association

I'm using named scopes to process some filtering actions, and the log is showing that everything is working perfectly, except that after the app goes and finds the correct data, it then ignores what it found and just lists a find.all instead of the filtered result. Here's the details. I have 3 models: Users, Markets and Schedules. U...

breaking up strings with explode and foreach

I'm Trying to get a php string to break down into individual words, search for them in a database and then add the results into another database.. I currently have the string like this "SDGCC, ARISE, SDGFS" I want to search in the login tags table for tags LIKE these words i'm using this SELECT * FROM logintags WHERE tag LIKE '%st...

Many to many dimension - MDX help needed

I’m pretty new to the many-to-many dimensions but I have a scenario to solve, which raised a couple of questions that I can’t solve myself… So your help would be highly appreciated! The scenario is: There is a parent-child Categories dimension which has a recursive Categories hierarchy with NonLeafDataVisible set There is a regular Pr...

ActiveRecord and many to many relationship ?

I'm trying to implement the Active Record pattern to a ZF project. I used to work with a similar approch before and it works well. But my problem now, is about how to handle many-to-many relationship with my models. Here is an example : Let's say i've an User model. <?php require_once 'MLO/Model/Model.php'; class Model_User extends...

How to save an associating record between has-many classes in Ruby on Rails

I've created three classes to represent Books, People, and BookLoans. While I am able to show the association of People to Books through BookLoans I've been seeding my database. I now need to save a checkout of a book. It was my intention to do this action through the book controller. Specifically, creating a loan action in the BooksCon...

Database relation many to many

This is basicly my database structure one product (let say soap) will have many retail selling size 1 liter 4 liters 20 liters In my "produit" database I will have the soap item (id #1) In the size database i will have many size availible : 1liter 4liter 20liter How not to duplicate the product 3 time with a different size....

Attributes on Many-to-Many relationships (Hibernate)

Hi guys, I have entity classes A and C. They are mapping the tables tblA and tblC and have a many-to-many relationship between them, with tblB to map between them. tblB contains A_ID, C_ID and SetDate, the last one being the date it was set, thus an attribute to the relationship. My question is, how do I best map in this attribute? At t...

Yii framework Many to Many relationships..

What is the method to save and update Many to Many relationship in Yii framework? ...

XML Schema - How do I model many-many relationships (i.e. Photos/Tags)

I need an XML schema for Albums/Photos/Tags where Photos & Tags have many-many relationships. I'd like to have a generalized xml schema solution for the following: 1 container (Album) of PhotoType elements, and 1 container (Tags) of TagType elements. 1 instance document with only a single occurance of Photo/Tag element data But how...

Putting in extra restrictions when filtering on foreignkey in django-admin

When getting members based on Unit, I only want to get the ones who are actually in that unit as of now. I've got a model looking like this: class Member(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=256) unit = models.ManyToManyField(Unit, through='Membership') class Membership(models.Model): member = models.ForeignKe...

How to query a many-to-many collection with NHibernate?

I've been trying to interpret the answers to similar questions but haven't been able to make it work. I have a list of activities, and each activity as a list of participants. Here are the mappings: <class name="Activity" lazy="false"> <id name="ID"> <generator class="guid" /> </id> <list name="Participants"> ...

First 10 items in a many-to-many relationship in RoR

I have a database with two tables: tags and items. Each Item has a score, the highest scoring items being the most popular. There is a many-to-many relationship between tags and items. Getting all items belonging to a tag is easy. (= tag.items) But how do I retrieve the 10 most popular items belonging to this tag? So in fact I need th...