
Django (1.2) Forms: ManyToManyField Help Text

I hope I'm wrong, but it looks to me like the only way to have no help_text for a ManyToManyField is write an __init__ method for the form and overwrite self.fields[fieldname].help_text. Is that really the only way? I prefer to use CheckboxSelectMultple widgets, so am I really going to have to define an __init__ method for any form that ...

many-2-many table requires an id field?

It seems to me that the current django release (starting with 1.2) requires a many-2-many join table to have its own id field and that this key is its primary key. Is that true? I have some applications which are using legacy databases in which the many-2-many table have primary keys consisting of both foreign keys. But those applicatio...

How can I add the same object to a ManyToMany field ?

Hi! I need help on how to save the same (reference to an) object into a ManyToManyField. For example I have models like this: class Material(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) class Compound(models.Model): materials = models.ManyToManyField(Material) In this example, the Compound can be made of one or many...

Django post save signal add an object into a manytomanyfield on the sender instance

I am using a post_save signal on an instance. In the callback I would like to add elements to the ManyToManyField of this very instance (named 'locales'). Here is my code: def after_insertion(sender, instance, **kwargs): locale = Locale(locale='en') instance.locales.add(locale) Locale instance is created but...

django manytomany through

If I have two Models that have a manytomany relationship with a through model, how do I get data from that 'through' table. class Bike(models.Model): nickname = models.CharField(max_length=40) users = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='bike.BikeUser') The BikeUser class class BikeUser(models.Model): bike = models.F...

Can I add a manager to a manytomany relationship?

I have two models that has a manytomany relationship with a 'through' table in some way? class Bike(models.Model): nickname = models.CharField(max_length=40) users = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='bike.BikeUser') The BikeUser class class BikeUser(models.Model): bike = models.ForeignKey(Bike) user = model...

Django select objects with empty ManyToManyField

Considering the following models, knowing a family, how do I select Kids with no buyers? class Family... class Kid(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) family = models.ForeignKey(Family) buyer = models.ManyToManyField(Buyer, blank=True, null=True) family = get_object_or_404(Family, pk=1) for_sale = family...

How do I write a Django model with ManyToMany relationsship with self through a Model

I want to have a model with a ManyToMany relationship with itself, I don't know how to write this but I'l try to write some code to illustrate what I want to do. class Person(models.Model): name = models.CharField() occupation = models.CharField() fiends = models.ManyToManyField('self', through = PersonFiends) My Model that ...

Question on Django: Displaying many to many fields

I seem to have a problem with Django when it comes Rendering ManyToManyField in a template. I can make it work partially, but I cannot make it work properly as I want it. Firstly I have an invoice template which displays Invoice details from my data base #invoice_details.html {% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %} <h2>Invoice D...

Django - ManyToManyField in a model, setting it to null?

I have a django model (A) which has a ManyToManyField (types) to another model (B). Conceptually the field in A is an 'optionally limit this object to these values'. I have set blank=null and null=True on the ManyToManyField. I have created an object from this model, and set types to some values. All is good. I want to set it to 'null',...

Having a problem displaying a manytomany fields

Hello, I seem to have a problem displaying work orders. in my app. The clients does not have the same problem so why does the work orders not show up. Actually it is as almost as a black space appears rather than text that should appear from my database. The problem seems to be because work orders have a many-to-many field. If I have {{...