
Documentation on geting driving directions and calculating driving distance with Mapstraction

I'm trying to build an easy to use map system for the applications we develop at work. I started using Google Maps but I have to abandon that because of the lack of SSL support. While Google Maps API Premier has SSL support, we can't afford the 10k a year fee. I'm considering using Mapstraction so that in future, if I need to change prov...

Mapstraction: Changing an Icon's image URL after it has been added?

I am trying to use marker.setIcon() to change a markers image. However it appears that although this changes the marker.iconUrl attribute the icon itself is using marker.proprietary_marker.$.icon.image to display the markers image - so the markers icon remains unchanged. Is there a way to dynamically change the marker.proprietary_marker...

How do I download the javascipt library for mapstraction v2?

I am setting up a map on a drupal website using the mapstraction module. I am planning to use the 6.x-2.x-dev development branch of mapstraction because I need some of its additional functionality. In the instructions for installing the module, it says to download the mapstraction v2 library from Navigating through the...

To use Mapstraction or Google maps api V3?

I am new to mapping and have gone through the V3 API tutorial and just heard about mapstraction. I wanted to know, which would be better to learn, considering that V3 is a complete write up of the google maps api? I understand that mapstraction gives u more flexibilty but does the current version of Mapstraction take advantage of the new...

Integrate ESRI data with Mapstraction

Is it possible to integrate data from ESRI with Mapstraction. Do anyone got any idea in this area. ...