
Subversion and authoring books?

I am busy writing a book and I'm using MS Office to write the book. However, doc files are binary files, and therefore a real pain to put into subversion with proper version control. So, is there an application of some sort or maybe some other suggestions (other than text files) that I can use to write a book in plain text format, but ca...

Testing JavaScript code without recreating markup?

I want to test the JavaScript code in our web app. We are using the jQuery library and .Net MVC. I've looked at these answers, and jqUnit looked nice, so I tried it, just to realize that I'll have to pretty much recreate all markup for every page I want to test. Am I missing something? Are there any alternative approaches for testing J...

DocBook: Specifying code or markup

You can specify equations using <equation> and also several others, but what tag must be used to specify code? More specifically, PHP, HTML, CSS and Javascript? Is there a plugin that you can use with OxygenXML to add these features automatically? I need to output as PDF. ...

Whats the right way to label things in a form?

I've seen lots of ways to label things in a form such as <label>, <div>, <span>, etc. Is there a right or wrong answer for this? Are there any advantages/disadvantages to any of these? Thank You ...

Java regex to match all html elements except one special case

I have a string with some markup which looks like this: The quick brown <a href="">fox</a> jumped over the lazy <a href="entry://id=6000009">dog</a> <img src="dog.png" />. I'm trying to strip away everything except the anchor elements with "entry://id=" inside. Thus the desired output from the above example would be: The qu...

How do you make a code block in fogbugz Cases (tickets)?

We have been using fogbugz and have been pasting code in tickets, but it always comes out hammered. is there any way to denote that a block of text is code? You know.. Like this (edit) Is it possible to put some simple html to set the text apart or something?? (edit again) based on my research, html code can be put in the Cases, b...

What technology problems arise from creating a markup language for email?

I am wondering what technology problems arise from associating a markup language to email? Without examining the language let us assume a hypothetical markup language exists with the following conditions: It meets all possible user-agent needs for properly structuring and defining content in email. It properly sanctions communications...

Displaying preview panel automatically in markitup! editor

I'm using the markitup! as a markdown editor (example). Currently, I need to press the preview button (green tick) to display the preview panel. I would like the preview to be displayed automatically - how can I achieve this? ...

catching exceptions in markup

How does one go about catching exceptions from using controls in markup? For example, I have the following code <asp:XmlDataSource ID="XmlDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="" XPath="rss/channel/item [position()<=10]"></asp:XmlDataSource> If feed...

Style attribute vs setting ID and external Css

I understand the concept of keeping all presentational elements outside of the markup and putting them into an external .css file. I want to get a feel for what types of situations you'd justify use of the style attribute vs setting IDs and external Css. To this point, I've used the style attribute a lot, I usually use it to specify p...

Theming Drupal Panels

I created a homepage layout using Panels 3, mostly of blocks created by Views. Now I'd like to apply the visual look and feel as it was designed & sliced. Panels adds an serious amount of divs to its markup. I dont necessarily need to remove this but I do need to add certain classes, id's and change some of the tags used in its markup....

Forms: Does your css accomodate your markup or vice versa?

Regarding html forms, a very common markup pattern is: <form ...> <p> <label>Name:</label> <input .../> </p> <p> <label>Birthdate:</label> <input .../> </p> .. <input type=submit/> </form> How much markup (classes, etc.) do you typically provide to allow for the most flexible visual formatting of the form? ...

Why does HTML markup often enclose text with backticks and single quotes?

I like to save local copies of useful text-heavy pages from the 'Net so I can practice improving their appearance by modifying the markup to include CSS. (What can I say ... It keeps me off the streets) I've noticed that text on the pages is often delimited by ` and '. See the blockquoted example below. Is there a good reason for this?...

Why is there no standardized wiki markup language?

For as many wiki tools as I have used, each time I must learn yet another markup language. Why doesn't wiki markup get standardized like HTML, XSLT, SVG, and other web languages? ...

Add/insert elements into Groovy MarkupBuilder object after initial creation

I understand how to create XML in Groovy using MarkupBuilder. How do you add/insert elements into a MarkupBuilder object after the initial creation? For example, start with: def builder = new MarkupBuilder(writer) def items = builder.items{ item(name: "book") } Which would produce: <items> <item name="book/> </it...

Suggestion for Semantic Markup

I am creating a web GUI for an application I am working on. This particular section will sit within a larger page that is of a good semantic makeup. However, I am unsure what the best option to markup the below screen semantically. My initial thought is to separate the top half from the bottom half via divs. Therefore, markup for the to...

Regular Expression for Conditional Substitution of Angle Brackets

Is it possible to create a single regexp to replace < and > with their entity equivalents? s/<|>/&lt;|&gt;/ ...

Trying to embed a DataItem within an asp:Image control's ImageUrl property

I have the following Image control within a repeater. I'm trying to get the username to render in between ~/profilepics/ and .jpg but I get the following rendered output /profilepics/%3C%25#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,%20%22usernameFrom%22)%20%25%3E.jpg Here is the markup <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl='~/profil...

How to prevent Error List Window from showing up within Visual Studio ASP.NET Editor?

Any errors or warnings within the markup pops up the window and it reminds me VB6 error message box, stealing the focus and concentration. Quite an eyesore. Is there a way to prevent the Error List window from showing up while editing ASP.NET markups? ...

How to use extensions and utility methods in markup?

Ok. This is probably a really stupid question, but I'm going to ask it anyway... How can I use extensions and utility methods in my ASP.Net markup? For example, (say) I have a DateTime extension method called "ToExampleString()" (contained in the DateTimeExtensions class in my Common.Extensions project) and I want to use it in my markup...