
How to add DOCTYPE and xml processing instructions when marshalling with JAXB?

I am marshalling (serializing) JAXB beans to output stream. How can I add DOCTYPE declaration and xml processing instructions to ouput? I am doing currently marshalling like this: JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.example.package"); Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(Mar...

c# marshaling dynamic-length string

i have a struct with dynamic length: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)] struct PktAck { public Int32 code; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string text; } when i'm converting bytes[] to struct by this code: GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(bytes_array, GCHandleType.Pinned); result_str...

Advice on whether to use native C++ DLL or not: PINVOKE & Marshaling ?

What's the best way to do this....? I have some Native C++ code that uses a lot of Win32 calls together with byte buffers (allocated using HeapAlloc). I'd like to extend the code and make a C# GUI...and maybe later use a basic Win32 GUI (for use where there is no .Net and limited MFC support). (A) I could just re-write the code in C# a...

Why is the concept of Marshalling called as such?

I've always thought that the concept of Marshalling had a bit of a funny name. My mental conception of the process would always involve an ol' wildwest gunslinging marshall who would coerce objects into serialized form at gunpoint. I just found out the real reason Marshalling is called what it's called and chuckled. (edit) Ok - t...

JAXB adding namespace to parent but not to the child elements contained

I put together an XSD and used JAXB to generate classes out of it. Here are my XSDs- myDoc.xsd : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:mtp="" elementFormDefault="qu...

What .NET UnmanagedType is Unicode (UTF-16)?

I am packing bytes into a struct, and some of them correspond to a Unicode string. The following works fine for an ASCII string: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] private struct PacketBytes { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 64)] public string MyString; } I assumed that I could do [StructLayout(LayoutKind....

What's the cleanest way to do byte-level manipulation?

I have the following C struct from the source code of a server, and many similar: // preprocessing magic: 1-byte alignment typedef struct AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE_C { // 4 byte header uint8 cmd; uint8 error; uint16 size; // 30 bytes uint8 gamename[4]; uint8 version1; uint8 version2; ...

c# interop with ghostscript

I'm trying to access some Ghostscript functions like so: [DllImport(@"C:\Program Files\GPLGS\gsdll32.dll", EntryPoint = "gsapi_revision")] public static extern int Foo(gsapi_revision_t x, int len); public struct gsapi_revision_t { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string product; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] strin...

Marshal structure pointer in VS2010

Hi, I have to call a C++ DLL from my C# program. I'm trying to do it using PInvoke - everything works fine in VS2005\ 2008, but after migration to VS 2010, I get this exception: PInvokeStackImbalance was detected Message: A call to PInvoke function 'sampleFunc' has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PI...

Marshalling a C structure to C#

Hi, I don't know how to marshall this structure in Mono. typedef struct rib_struct { rib_used_t used; rib_status_t status; rib_role_t role; uint8_t conf; rib_dc_t *pending; pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t cond; rib_f_t *props; } rib_t; And for example, rib_dc_t is like: typedef struct rib_dc_stru...

Calling AuditQuerySystemPolicy() (advapi32.dll) from C# returns "The parameter is incorrect"

The sequence is like follows: Open a policy handle with LsaOpenPolicy() (not shown) Call LsaQueryInformationPolicy() to get the number of categories; For each category: Call AuditLookupCategoryGuidFromCategoryId() to turn the enum value into a GUID; Call AuditEnumerateSubCategories() to get a list of the GUIDs of all subcategories; Ca...

Convert between python array and .NET Array

I have a python method that returns a Python byte array.array('c'). Now, I want to copy this array using System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy. This method however expects a .NET array. import array from System.Runtime.InteropServices import Marshal bytes = array.array('c') bytes.append('a') bytes.append('b') bytes.append('c') M...

How to correctly hook and return GetDlgItemTextA from C++ to C# to C++ from EasyHook

I'm using EasyHook, a C# library for injecting and detouring functions from unmanaged applications. I'm trying to hook onto GetDlgItemTextA, which takes the arguments: UINT WINAPI GetDlgItemText( __in HWND hDlg, __in int nIDDlgItem, __out LPTSTR lpString, __in int nMaxCount );` In my hook, I am casting it as: [DllImpo...

How to return an [out] variant with VT = VT_RECORD without creating memory leak in ole32.dll?

Hi, Purify is pointing memory leak in ole32.dll while returning a Variant with VT set to VT_RECORD as OUT parameter. I am using User Marshalling by generating proxy/stub dll from IDL. Can you suggest how to avoid this memory leak? Struct defined in IDL: { BSTR m_sFirst; BSTR m_sSecond; VARIANT m_vChildStruct; //This member encapsulate...

JAX-RS JSON java.util.Date Unmarshall

Hi, I'm using Jersey (jax-rs), to build a REST rich application. Everything is great, but I really don't understand how to set in JSON Marshalling and Unmarshalling converting option for dates and numbers. I have a User class: @XmlRootElement public class User { private String username; private String password; private jav...

How to marshall data type unsigned char** in C#?

Hello, I'm trying to marshall unsigned char** (which is in a C++ interface) in order to call the method from C#. How can this be done? Is there a list where are C++ data types and C# data types? Thanks! ...

How to marshal an object and its content (also objects)

I have a question for which I suspect the answer is a bit complex. At this moment I am programming a DLL (class library) in C#. This DLL uses a 3rd party library and therefore deals with 3rd party objects of which I do not have the source code. Now I am planning to create another DLL, which is going to be used in a later stadium in my ap...

Marshalling empty list - jaxb

I have the following code int testInt = 2; String stringArg = "test"; List<Activity> activityList = new ArrayList<Activity>(); //activityList.add(new Activity(testInt, testInt, testInt, null, null, null, stringArg, stringArg)); //activityList.add(new Activity(testInt, testInt, testInt, null, null, null, stringArg, stringArg)); Activiti...

SOAP Web services: object aliasing in response?

If a web service returns an object graph where some objects appear multiple times, will the data about these objects necessarily be duplicated in the transport format? Put differently: With Java serialization, each object's state is written only once, and subsequent references to that object are mere pointers within the serialization st...

Faster/more efficient alternatives to Ruby's Marshal?

I'm looking for a drop-in replacement of Ruby's Marshal capability, which hopefully has one or more of the following advantages over Marshal: faster serialization/deserialization more concise (or simply smaller) object-graph Thanks!! ...