
scriptmanager in masterpage and updatepanel in usercontrol. Partial postback not happening

hi, i have a master page with following scriptmanager tag: <asp:ScriptManager ID="scriptManger" EnablePartialRendering="true" runat="server" > <Scripts> <asp:ScriptReference Path="~/common/js/jquery-1.3.2.js" /> <asp:ScriptReference Path="~/common/js/validation.js" /> </Scripts> </asp:ScriptManager> My aspx page is : <%@ Pa...

Using JQuery in a Subfolder When the MasterPage is in the Root Folder.

I am trying to use the jquery library in ASP.NET in a subfolder called "samples" with a masterpage that is located in the root directory. Presently the references to the jquery scripts are located in the head tag of the master page. If the page I am creating is also in the root directory, everything works fine. If I move the page to the ...

How to make UserControl to use master page placeholders?

Hello all. There's quite weird issue and I wonder if it had ever occurred before. It looks odd that nobody had been caught by it, by Google says so. that's what we have: Master page Masterpage.master blahblagblag User control whose page is bound to mentioned-above master page According design, we need to define from .ascx user ...

Master Pages in C# adding dynamic flavor

Ok I need to do this. I need to have button on master page. Once that button is clicked I generate string that represents URL. test.apx is content page I use and the string will look like something like this: Example: "" Now all I need is to reload the page while content is redirecte...

Logout or signout problem in c# using Master page and windows authentication.

Hi to everyone. I am new in, My problem is facing logout problem in myappication using master page and window authentication. After i signout from my application if i use browser back button it again goes back to signed page after that i click any control then only it is goes back to the logout stage but i want to dont show t...

Testing to see if ContentPlaceHolder content has been overridden by a child page?

Hi all, I'm currently migrating a .net 1.1 application to .net 3.5. The .net 1.1 application has a number of number of page + usercontrol's that I would like migrated to masterpages. My issue is trying to test progmatically to see if the masterpage's contentplaceholders content has been overridden by a child page. Is it possible...

How do you set the MasterType TypeName in code

If you want easy access to the MasterPage properties etc in ASP.Net you can set the MasterPage TypeName in the head of the aspx page i.e. <%@ MasterType TypeName="_Master_Content" %> But How do you do this via the code file? ...

Designer.cs file creates errors automatically

Flawed as I am, I've received some unneeded help in creating errors in the form of Visual Studio 2008 adding incorrect code to a .designer.cs file. I appreciate, it is probably doing this because of my omission or error - but I will use the excuse that I am in actuality a fledgeling ASP.NET developer so I'm still learning. The relevant ...

Twice postback in ASP.NET

Hi, My page is fully postback twice. I am using master page with AJAX. The structure of master page is as follows. +---------------------------------------------+ | Web User Control with AJAX Tab Control | +---------------------------------------------+ | | | | | Col1 | ContentPlaceHol...

Dynamic nested master pages, shared properties

I have a base master page that specifies the main layout template of a website. It also handles some logic that changes tabs depending on the section, and also sets page meta information. I'm dynamically loading nested master pages by looking at the querystring, loading up a record from the database, and setting the nested master page ...

How can I hide the SiteMapPath root node on home page?

How can I hide the root node in a SiteMapPath control when the user is on the root node page? For example, my breadcrumb trail on a child page is: Home > Products > Hammers > Ball Peen which is fine. But when the user is on the Home page, the SiteMapPath control displays Home which is useless clutter. I want to suppress displ...

can I get php to run in an page?

I'm trying to allow my php pages to run inside a content page of the master page. I'd like to run php somehow inside a master page. Besides frames is there another way? I've read you can use a frame, but would prefer not to. If I have to go with frames to get it done, should I be using an frame class of some sort or the raw html...

[ASP.NET] Access a content control in C# when using Master Pages

Good day everyone, I am building a page in ASP.NET, and using Master Pages in the process. I have a Content Place Holder name "cphBody" in my Master Page, which will contain the body of each Page for which that Master Page is the Master Page. In the ASP.NET Web page, I have a Content tag (referencing "cphBody") which also contains som...

Where should the browser types be segregated in an ASP.NET mobile MVC application?

I am building what will primarily be a mobile browser targeted ASP.NET MVC application. Although it will target the desktop as well in a smaller capacity. (I'm fairly new to both MVC and mobile apps.) I'm wondering what is the best practice for segregating mobile vs. desktop users in an MVC application. Should the controller be in ...

WebForms: Dynamic (or absolute) script tags in MasterPages

Problem When working with MasterPages, a common irritation I run into is that script tags in the master are relative to the consuming page. So for instance, your JavaScript might work if your consuming page is in the root of your app, but when you put another page in a subfolder, the relative path breaks and the JavaScript is not foun...

Switch MasterPageFile at runtime

During runtime, is there a way to specify which MasterPageFile a view should use? Basically when the view is rendered I need to tell it which Master Page File to use which may be obtained from a database or something. ...

Masterpage and Content pages inheriting from a single class

Hi, I am trying to create a general class, in which all my ASP.Net pages inherit from so I can share functions across multiple pages. To do this I would create a new class which inherits from System.Web.UI.Page (the content pages need to inherit this), and then my content pages would inherit the newly create class. My problem is that ...

Set Property Value on Master Page from Content Page

I need to pass data to a variable in my master page each time a page is loaded. I have a string[] of RequiredRoles that I set on each content page defining what roles are required to access that page. On my master page, I have a method that takes this array, and checks to see if the current user is in one or more of those roles. How w...

Refresh problem when treeview node changed

I have a Treeview in a masterpage and a products page in child page. When i click treeview node i want to bind data to a gridview on the product page. protected void trvCategoryTab_SelectedNodeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (trvCategoryTab.SelectedNode.Value != string.Empty) { Response.Redirect("~...

ASP.NET Master Page: Event Validation Error

Hi I included a repeater in my master page. The repeater has a button that I set its CommandArgument. However when I click the button I get the following exception: System.ArgumentException: Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page....