
Open Source Matroska container Silverlight MediaStreamSource Parser?

So we have some File.mkv with h264 + mp3 in it we need to play that thing in Silverlight (3 or 4)... So I'm searching for some Open Source Matroska container Silverlight MediaStreamSource Parser/Eater? Where to find such thing? ...

How to use SampleGrabber with Matroska Muxer in DirectShow?

I made a simple graph to write MKV file. But I do not want to use file writer. I want to use SampleGabber and get stream using simple program. Problem is that I get data from anything but Matroska muxer!( What shall i do? So my question is How to use SampleGrabber with Matroska Muxer in DirectShow? ...

How to read the metadata of a MKV movie files in C#?

How to read the metadata of a MKV movie files in C# (or C or C++ or AS3)? for example such creator metadatacreator hasKeyframes hasVideo hasAudio hasMetaData canSeekToEnd duration datasize videosize videocodecid audiosize audiocodecid audiosamplerate audiosamplesize stereo filesize lasttimestamp lastkeyframetimestamp lastkeyframelocati...

Library for playing Matroska (.MKV) in Flash?

So.. Is there any lib for playing MKV (matroska) in flash (AS3, MXML) OpenSource or KindOf opensource? (In my MKV I have Theora video H264 video... If library supports only 1 type of video codec Ill live with that=)) ...

Creating web-browser playable webm files with vp8 SDK ?

I'm using the vp8 SDK ( to create a vp8-encoded video file. However, the SDK sample produces an IVF file, which the browser doesn't play. I know the webm format is a matroska container so I guess I should store the video data in that format, but the mkv format specification is lengthy and complex and I don't think I ...

Multiple Streams in Video File

I'm looking for a cross-platform C/C++ library for creating and reading video files with multiple internal streams. My current implementation uses the WIN32 VfW interface for creating an AVI video file with an additional TEXT stream. This TEXT stream can store any binary data. However, VfW is an old API, not supported by newer codec, and...