
How to use SampleGrabber with Matroska Muxer in DirectShow?

I made a simple graph to write MKV file. But I do not want to use file writer. I want to use SampleGabber and get stream using simple program. Problem is that I get data from anything but Matroska muxer!( What shall i do? So my question is How to use SampleGrabber with Matroska Muxer in DirectShow? ...

How to implement you own custom DirectShow renderer?

How to implement you own custom DirectShow renderer that could work a-la or instead of SampleGrabber? ...

Samplegrabber works fine on AVI/MPEG files but choppy with WMV

I have been using the latest version of the WPFMediaKit. What I am trying to do is write a sample application that will use the Samplegrabber to capture the video frames of video files so I can have them as individual Bitmaps. So far, I have had good luck with the following code when constructing and rendering my graph. However, when ...