
Controlling flex chart axes

I want to use small flex charts with just 3 labels, for example a chart over the past 2 hours , with 3 horizontal label, as shown below: | | | 9:46 10:46 11:46 (of course, there are more than 3 values to display!) I have been told this is not trivial, but how would you do it? Also, do you know of any books ...

J2ME Html renderering

Does anyone know of an HTML rendering library for MIDP 2.0? I need to render HTML inside my application, no Javascript support required but potentially complex HTML and CSS. The only option I've found so far is PocketLearn, but I'm keen to try others. ...

JSF renderers - using templates

I was wondering if anyone has experience with using some kind of templating language for generating the html output in the component's renderer. It seems to me that doing stuff like the following is difficult to maintain if your component rendering will suffer changes during its life. writer.write('\n'); writer.startElement("script",...

3d Realtime Software Renderer Open Source

Is there a good 3d realtime software renderer with features similar to OpenGL/DirectX? Something similar of what cairo or anti-grain do for 2d, but in 3d. I actually just know Mesa witch has a software OpenGL implementation , and Coco3d. It should be open source :) ...

LaTeX renderer for .NET?

I'm curious as to whether a native .NET renderer for TeX/LaTeX exists. So for in my search the closest I have been able to find is a Java implementation, JMathTeX. I am tempted to port this to C#, but before I do so, I would simply like to check whether anyone is aware of a .NET implementation out there. My curent thuoghts are to use Mi...

Flex renderer recycling with browser scrollbars?

Is it possible to get flex renderer recycling while using browser scrollbars? I have a flex tree control with custom item renderers for rich editing of a server-side data structure which may have any number of child nodes. If at all possible, I'd like to avoid using a flex scrollbar if the content exceeds the viewable range, instead pr...

Checkbox on SQL Query in DataGrid.

Following on from - I have a checkbox renderer i am placing into my Datagrid. The checkbox needs to do a sql query on the sqllite database and see if the show is marked as watched, if it is then make the checkbox as checked and if not mark the checkbox and not checked. What i w...

Flex Call ItemRenderer inside a new panel()

I have the below function creating new panels inside my ViewStack.. This works fine and they are great.. However i am trying to put some content into the panels but i am failing. private function viewstack_addChild(name:String):void { //if (accordion.numChildren < MAX_CHILDREN) { var p:Panel = new Pane...

Flex Setting dataProvider for an itemRenderer.

I have a httpservice that returns xml data. <mx:HTTPService id="httpService" url="data/Software.xml" resultFormat="e4x" result="httpResult_handler(event)" fault="'XML Data Error')" /> I also have a datagrid using the returned data and also passing it to the renderer which works perfect. <mx:DataGrid id="myDG" dataProvider...

Flex renderer data inside a panel...

I have a page (below) that has a datagrid that lists "item"'s returned from an XML file (below) and when it loads it created a page in the viewstack for each item it finds (working) it also renders a page (below) inside each panel but i am having issues passing the data. Each page renders and loads but with the FIRST result of the XML da...

How to customise rendering of a ToolStripTextBox?

I like the ToolStripProfessionalRenderer style quite a lot, but I do not like the way it renders a ToolStripTextBox. Here, ToolStripSystemRenderer does a better job IMO. Now is there a way to combine both renderers' behaviour to use system style for text boxes and pro style for everything else? I have successfully managed to use pro styl...

Flex ComboBox in a Datagrid loses values when I scroll horizontally

Hello, I have a very strange problem in a Flex 3.4 Datagrid. One of the columns is a ComboBox - I have my own custom renderer for the ComboBox. I use it to select my data and then make a "save" to the db. Upon return the comboBox loses its value. Even stranger is that when I scroll the datagrid area to the left (by moving scrollbar righ...

PDF Renderer scrwing up my pdfs?

I am trying to silent print PDF files from within a java application (mroe specifically a J2EE Webapp). Within this application I am creating PDF files with iText. The files created are form letters, each consisting of exactly one page. To render and print out this PDF files I tried to use the pdf-renderer library. (See here: https://p...

Gamebryo renderer not resetting

The renderer for my game application is not properly resetting when I sometimes lock out of my computer and log back in. The application uses the Gamebryo engine with the CEGUI (Crazy Eddie's GUI) layer on top. When using a DirectX debugger log, I get the following messages when the application fails to reset. 00004805 18156.43750000 [2...

cropping text lines in a jtextpane-based jtable cell renderer

hi, i'm using a JTextPane as a cell renderer in my table (so i can control color, font, size and links easily). the problem is that lines get wrapped when the cell's get too small to contain the full text. i know the number of expected text lines in advance (or i can just count), so i set the row's height accordingly. how do i get the...

How to implement you own custom DirectShow renderer?

How to implement you own custom DirectShow renderer that could work a-la or instead of SampleGrabber? ...

In ASP.NET MVC 2 RC 2, Is it possible to remove the name="" attribute and leave the id attribute?

If you do this in Asp.Net MVC 2 RC 2: <% for (int count = 0; count < Model.Students.Count; count++ ) { %><%= Html.EditorFor(m => m.Students[count]) %><% } %> where Students is a List<Student>, and it produces this: <input class="text-box single-line" id="Students_0__Name...

JCheckBox tree cell renderer

I've implemented a TreeCellRenderer that returns a JCheckBox (simple code that the renderer extends a JCheckBox and sets its selection status based on a flag in the item) and it works well. However, when there are more than a few items in the list, it renders VERY slowly. Scrolling in the list and expanding nodes takes over 1 second, whi...

JList with transparent cell renderer on MacOS

I have the following Java Swing code that shows a JList with custom cell renderer (JCheckBox used as renderer component). The JList itself is made transparent, and also the JCheckBox is made transparent, so basically the color of the background container (yellow) should shine through. This works fine on Windows and on Linux, but on MacO...

Getting the DirectShow VideoRender filter to respond to MediaType changes on its Input Pin?

Below is the code extract from my decoder transform filter which takes in data from my source filter which is taking RTP network data from an IP camera. The source filter, decode filter can dynamically respond to changes in the camera image dimensions since I need to handle resolution changes in the decode library. I've used the 'Rec...