
Why does Gallio seem to need to be in a folder named GallioBundle-3.1.397.0/bin to run.

I want to run MbUnit tests with Icarus and/or Echo without having to install Gallio. I have copied all of the files in the GallioBundle/bin into a folder named Third Party/MbUnit in our project folder. When I double click on Gallio.Icarus.exe it dosesn't load or do anything. When I run gallio.echo.exe from the command line I get the ...

Azure web role project not creating MbUnit test project?

Hi everyone, We're creating an Azure cloud service project in VS 2010 with an ASP.Net MVC 2 web role. When we create the MVC project we're asked if we want to create a test project. Our choices are MbUnit3 (our preference) and MS Test. When we select MbUnit, a test folder is created in the file system, but no project is created. Cho...

Skip unit test if csv file not found

Hi, I have a number of unit tests which rely on the presence of a csv file. They will throw an exception if this file doesn't exist obviously. Are there any Gallio/MbUnit methods which can conditionally skip a test from running? I'm running Gallio 3.1 and using the CsvData attribute [Test] [Timeout(1800)] [CsvData(FilePath = TestDataF...

How using MbUnit can I set a StaticTestFactory to be parallelized?

I have a large number of test set-up through a StaticTestFactory, but when I put any form of paralleization on it then it doesn't seem to effect it. Any ideas? ...

MbUnit and Resharper integration not working in Visual Studio 2010

I set up a new machine this week. It is running Windows 7, 64 bit. I installed Visual Studio 2010 Professional, then Resharper 5.0, rapidly followed by Resharper 5.1 when it came out soon after. Since I have a project with tests in MbUnit, I have installed MbUnit/Gallio, using the 3.1.397 version x64 msi installer from here. I was expe...

How to pass Xml data as a parameter to a Test in mbunit v3

I was reading about data driven testing using mbunit from this article. http://blog.benhall.me.uk/2007/04/mbunit-datafixture-data-driven-unit.html I am using v3 of mbunit now and the attributes used for DataDriven testing are Not applicable in V3 as per the release notes for V3. Using this article http://blog.bits-in-motion.com/2009/03/...

Documentation for mbunit v3

Any pointers for the documentation on the new features of mbunit v3? ...

Using app.config in MBunit test

The way I have my unit test set up is that a user can run the executable and select a dataset to use. This information is stored in app.config, however when I try to access app.config when running the unit test with Gallio Icarus it doesn't work. Edit: I got the field to bind to an Application property however when I call Properties.Se...

Unit testing a method with no observable state change

Hello all, (C#, Rhino Mocks, MbUnit). I have a class called AccountManager that has a RegisterUser() method. This method returns void but does throw an exception for any errors. AccountManager calls into an IDataRepository calling its AddUser() method to do a database insert. I'm mocking the IDataRepository using a Rhino Mock and thro...

Gallio Icarus Suppress Stack Trace

Is it possible to prevent the stack trace from displaying in the reports generated by Gallio Icarus? ...

can I use the MbUnit gui with Moles tests?

I'd like to set up our unit tests to use Moles -- mostly so we don't write a lot of interfaces in places that don't call for interfaces. Ok, that part is debatable but it is a concern on our team. To that end, we're investigating Moles. Moles is nifty. Pex is nifty. The issue is that if we build a unit test that uses Moles, suddenly we...

MbUnit SetUp & Teardown thread safety?

Hello, First time poster, long time lurker. Figured it's about time I start getting actively involved. So here's a question I've spend all weekend trying to find an answer to. I'm working on writing a bunch of acceptance tests using Selenium and MbUnit, using the DegreeOfParallelism attribute that MbUnit offers. My Setup and Teardown ...

Unit testing of WCF webservice with Gallio/MbUnit

I have a WCF service with a simple Gallio unit test that calls the service. However, I am confused by the framework's behavior. When I start visual studio for the first time, and try to run the unit test, I get the following error: System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: There was no endpoint listening at http://localhost:4367...

How do I check if the Create method was called using Expect instead of AssertWasNotCalled in Rhino Mocks?

How do I check if Create was not called without using the Rhino Mocks AssertWasNotCalled method. Here is the test: [Test] public void When_try_to_create_directory_that_already_exits_return_false() { var directoryInfoMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IDirectoryInfoWrap>(); directoryInfoMock.Stub(x => x.Exist...

Could not attach debugger to host using Gallio Icarus 3.2 Build 517 and VS 2010

I installed the Gallio bundle Version 3.2 Build 517 in order to use MBUnit. My tests are running fine when I try run them through the Icarus test runner, but when I hit the debug button on the test runner, it tells me it could not attach to the host. If I add some break points and attach the Icarus process to Visual Studio, the break p...

Why does the following test fail using Mbunit and Rhino mocks?

I am playing around with MbUnit and Rhino Mocks and made a simple test. It may be poorly designed code, but I am more focused on just seeing if I can get the test to pass. Basically, When the engine light of a car is on, the car should an oil change. Here is code: public interface ICar { bool EngineLight { get; set; } void Get...

MbUnit vs Nunit

I read that MbUnit is Nunit on steroids, but I don't see why. From what I have read on here, I here that Nunit is more popular over MbUnit. One of the main reasons is because it has a fluent interface. Is this the only reason? Why should I prefer MbUnit over Nunit, or vice-versa? Thanks! ...

Why isn't the Rhino Mock expectation met?

Here is code: public interface IAccessPoint { int BackHaulMaximum { get; set; } bool BackHaulMaximumReached(); void EmailNetworkProvider(); } public class AccessPoint : IAccessPoint { private IMailProvider Mailer { get; set; } public AccessPoint(IMailProvider provider) { this.Mailer = provider ?? new D...

MbUnit's row attribute in NUnit?

While reading an Asp.Net MVC code sample that used MbUnit as it's testing framework, I saw that it was possible to run a single test against multiple input possibilities by using a Row attribute, like so: [Test] [Row("test@test_test.com")] [Row("sdfdf dsfsdf")] [Row("[email protected]")] public void Invalid_Emails_Should_Return_False(string in...

Is there an MBUnit attribute to run Row tests in the order they were defined

I've tried googling around for this but have found nothing. Basically, I'd like to run each row in the order I defined it. For example, if I have this: [Row("a")] [Row("b")] [Row("c")] [Test] public void Test(string s)... I want to be sure that test A is executed before test B, and test B is executed before test C. ...