
Will the MD5 cryptographic hash function output be same in all programming languages?

I am basically creating an API in php, and one of the parameters that it will accept is an md5 encrypted value. I don't have much knowledge of different programming languages and also about the MD5. So my basic question is, if I am accepting md5 encrypted values, will the value remain same, generated from any programing language like .NE...

(SQL) How do I query for a list of items that share attributes while listing the rows independently?

Hi All, Having a bit of a "special" moment here. Basically I have a DB table for listing files and their attributes (size, creation date, etc). Being a self-proclaimed (borderline delusional) SQL-whiz, you can imagine my surprise when I failed to figure out a quality manner by which to individually list only files whose [INSERT ATTRIB...

Entire range - Reverse MD5 lookup

I am learning about encryption methods and I have a question about MD5. I have seen there are several websites that have 'rainbow tables' that will give you reverse MD5 lookup, but, they can't lookup all the combinations possible. For knowledge's sake, my question is this : Hypothetically, if a group of people were to consider an up...

MD5 Hash function in excel?

Hello, I would like to convert a number of excel cells in my document from a serial number to the MD5 hash of that serial number. Is there a precompiled formula in excel that does that, or is my only option to do VBA. If VBA, how would I do it? ...

PHP md5 explained

I am working on this PHP project and I have many places that an md5 is being used. I have even used it many times, but still today I am unclear on what the function is doing. I realize it decrypts the value passed in but what about undoing it to get it back to the original. Maybe i am not clear about the whole process and if anyone has i...

How to store hashes in MySQL databases without using text fields

I'm storing unique user-agents in a MySQL MyISAM table so when I have to look if it exists in the table, I check the md5 hash that is stored next to the TEXT field. User-Agents { id - INT user-agent - TEXT hash - VARCHAR(32) // md5 } There is any way to do the same but using a 32-bit integer and not a text h...

How to store the php result of md5("test", true) in a BINARY field of a MySQL MyISAM table

How can I store the result of: $store = md5("test", true); mysql_query(...) in a mysql db with a string query? ...

Differences between Oracle and tomcat md5 hash ?

Hi everybody. when using oracle forms to generate md5 hash, i get result that is different from the result given by tomcat. when using tomcat digest, i get: C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.26\bin>digest -a md5 mypass mypass:a029d0df84eb5549c641e04a9ef389e5 while using oracle forms, i get: a029d0dfbfeb5549c641e04abff3bfe5 this is the code...

MD5 Hash in C# doesn't match MD5 Hash in Action Script

Hi, I'm hashing some data in Action Script then comparing the hash to one computed in C#, but they don't match. Anyone know why? Here's what I do in Action script: var hash : String = MD5.hash(theString); And here's what I do in C#: var md5Hasher = MD5.Create(); byte[] data = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetByte...

Encryption in Palm WebOS

My question is related to the one here. I know how to send the credentials to a service. What I need is a way to encrypt those credentials. In browser javascript/ajax, when I need to access a service, I put an ajax call in to a php script, which used hash_hmac('md5', $data, $key) as the encryption method. I need to use md5, but Mojo.mode...

Pitfalls of encrypting (with salt) of a md5-hashed-password (php)

A client has a huge userbase and I'm required to encrypt/hash passwords in a secure manner. The problem is I can't ask every user to change their password and the passwords are already hashed with md5() without a salt. One way of doing this is to encrypt the current passwords with a salt and when a user changes or resets the password i j...

Self-referencing MD5 file

Hello: I'm developing a program that needs to load and save data in external files, I have been searching for options and I have chosen to save the data in a binary file. As I don't want that someone could edit the file easily, I thought about writing in the first line of the file, its md5 sum. In this case, if some data of the file is...

Comprehensive MD5 checksum tutorial

What is the most comprehensive MD5 tutorial out there? I have been trying to implement a decent MD5 checksum program but I have not come across a tutorial that makes it really clear. Any pointers would be appreciated, Thanks. To clarify I would like to know how to implement it. ...

Will MD5 ever return the same output as its input?

Possible Duplicate: Is there an MD5 Fixed Point where md5(x) == x? What is the probability that md5 will return its input (i.e. the output will equal the input), or will it ever? ...

computeHash byte[] and Stream difference

Hi All, I've been having some trouble with computeHash. I'm using both computeHash(Stream) and computeHash(byte[]). For some reason, they are giving back different result. I've tried writing the byte[] into a MemStream but result was the same when using Byte[] FileStream zz = new FileStream(t.Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);...

PHP different one way hashes for password security

I was wondering to hash the password in PHP using different methods available and the combination of them for more and more security. I was wondering if this would work..? $pass = "***"; $salt = "!@)#%%@(#&@_!R151"; $pass = sha1($pass.$salt); $pass = md5($pass); ...

MD5 format in Java

Possible Duplicate: Generate MD5 hash in Java Can some one tell me how to convert a string into MD5 format in Java? I have code like this, but I want in MD5 format with 32 characters. UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); String token = uuid.toString().substring(0,12); ...

Java/Scala bi-directional MD5

Hello, I am trying to find some samples of how to take a string and hash it using MD5, and then be able to reverse hash (correct term?) back to the original string. Does anyone know of any documentation that shows how this can be done, or ideally has any sample code they could share? I've read about the cl...

Only get hash value using md5sum (without filename)

I use md5sum to generate a hash value for a file. But i only need to receive the hash value, not the file name. md5=`md5sum ${my_iso_file}` echo ${md5} 3abb17b66815bc7946cefe727737d295 ./iso/somefile.iso How can i 'strip' the file name and only remain the value ? ...

MD5(RAND()) on MySQL returning only digits

I'm running this sample code I found while googling: SELECT MD5(RAND()) But, to my surprise, MD5 is returning plain digits, instead of hexadecimal digits. Using CONV(MD5(RAND()), 10, 16) seems to solve my problem, but the MySQL documentation states that the MD5 function should return a string already in hexadecimal. Am I doing someth...