
PHP secure logon script - md5 hash is not matching the hash i wrote to the database in a previous script?

I am trying to cobble together a login script in PHP as a learning project. This is the code for my database write when the user registers. Both of these values are written to the database. $this->salt = md5(uniqid()); $this->password = md5($password.$salt); Upon logging in, the following function is fired. function challengeLogin...

md5 decoding. How they do it?

i thought, that it is impossible to decode md5 hashes, but i found tools, which decode them here. but i have no idea, how they do it in such a short period of time(it takes about a second). Help me please to understand it. Thanks ...

What should I use for password fields in a table; MD5 or SHA1?

I am by no means a security expert or even a novice. I'm a newbie at security at best. Someone suggested I use SHA1 instead of MD5 - why would I choose one over the other? Is one more secure? ...

How to configure JBoss DatabaseServerLoginModule for Digest Authentication in a Web Application

In a sentence, I want to configure JBoss 4.2.2 to use DatabaseServerLoginModule as the login-module for a Web application that is secured via Digest Authentication. The problem I am having is that the passwords fail to validate. I suspect the issue is either in how I've defined the application policy or in how the passwords are stored ...

Mysql – Detecting changes in data with a hash function over a part of table

Hi I need generate a single hash over some data in a table CREATE TABLE Table1 ( F1 INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, F2 INT default NULL, F3 Varchar(50) default NULL, .. FN INT default NULL, PRIMAR...

Cost of Preimage attack

I need to know the cost of succeeding with a Preimage attack ("In cryptography, a preimage attack on a cryptographic hash is an attempt to find a message that has a specific hash value.", Wikipedia). The message I want to hash consists of six digits (the date of birth), then four random digits. This is a social security number. Is the...

Comparing uncompressed local files to compressed files stored on Amazon S3?

We put hundreds of image files on Amazon S3 that our users need to synchronize to their local directories. In order to save storage space and bandwidth, we zip the files stored on S3. On the user's end they have a python script that runs every 5 min to get a current list of files, and download new/updated files. My question is what's...

How to output MD5 hashed password in plain text?

I have passwords for members on a site encrypted using MD5 and stored in the database. I want to implement a lost password functionality where the user will be emailed their credentials if they forget them. But how to output the unencrypted password or is it one way encryption and hence impossible? ...

Odd way of implementing the MD5 function in C#

I was looking for extension methods and stumbled in to a function that claims to mimic how PHP does the MD5 functions. Here's an exact copy(I don't get why the declaration and initialization of the Crypto were done separately...) public static string MD5(this string s) { MD5CryptoServiceProvider provider; provider = new MD5Crypt...

Checksum of setup project files

How can I create a setup project that will check its own checksum first, before an installation? Or could you show me an example of a programm that will check it's own checksum and inform user if the programm's file probably has been changed and checksum doesn't fit... ...

Python: concatenating bytes with a string

I'm working on a python project in 2.6 that also has future support for python 3 being worked in. Specifically I'm working on a digest-md5 algorithm. In python 2.6 without running this import: from __future__ import unicode_literals I am able to write a piece of code such as this: a1 = hashlib.md5("%s:%s:%s" % (self.username, s...

How to validate the Content-MD5 header (from the actual content) in a RequestInterceptor (WCF REST Starter Kit) - REST web service

Hello, I'm implementing REST web services by means of the WCF REST Starter Kit. I get the request in a System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestContext. Specifically: the interceptor starts this way: Public Overrides Sub ProcessRequest(ByRef requestContext As RequestContext) If the request includes the Content-MD5 header, I must validate ...

Why am I getting the same MD5 checksum for seemingly different inputs using Perl's Digest::MD5?

On my Linux platform with 64bits recompiled perl and SSHing Mac terminal (I guess UTF-8). I am giving all this information just in case it might be relevant. # perl -e 'use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/; print(md5_hex("alex@vi\n") ."\n");' 756e98065cb8cbf603a3dbef2afe9261 # perl -e 'use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/; print(md5_hex("alex@visi\n") ....

Why PHP's md5 is different from OpenSSL's md5?

I am quite confused as to why I am seeing different results for md5 hashing in PHP and in OpenSSL. Here is the code that I am running: php -r "echo md5('abc');" Results in: 900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72 While this: echo abc | openssl md5 Results in: 0bee89b07a248e27c83fc3d5951213c1 Why? ...

Can an MD5-hash begin with a zero?

Can an MD5-hash begin with a zero? What about SHA-1? ...

Converting JScript to VB.NET - Questions

I'm trying to convert some functions written in JScript to VB.NET (I'm porting a classic ASP page to ASP.NET) and having issues as I'm not very familiar with JScript. I'm having issues with converting even the function declaration properly in VB.NET. In my converted code VS2008 is giving me an error saying "Array bounds can not be specif...

Blackberry encode MD5 different from MD5 in C#

Hi, I have my passwords encoded in MD5 in C# and inserted in my DB. MD5 MD5Hasher = MD5.Create(); byte[] PasswordHash = MD5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(PasswordText.Value)); PasswordHash is inserted as is and look like 0x09C09E5B52580E477514FA.......... for example. In the blackberry app, I get the password, want to ...

How does a person go about learning Java? (convert byte array to hex string)

I know this sounds like a broad question but I can narrow it down with an example. I am VERY new at Java. For one of my "learning" projects, I wanted to create an in-house MD5 file hasher for us to use. I started off very simple by attempting to hash a string and then moving on to a file later. I created a file called and ...

Compare 2 images in php

Comparing 2 images to see if they are both the same files are easy, threw the files MD5, but is it possible or even plausible to determine if 2 images are same by using PHP GD to get the difference of the two images. If we where to get the difference of the two, and it was all white (id assume white or even black), then we would now know...

Social Engine Password Encryption Help

Hi, I want to make an other sign up page which is linked to the social engine database, but when i MD5 the password and store it in the se_users table, the user can't login, i believe that social engine have another encryption method, Can someone please give me a function to encrypt passwords the social engine way? This is their functi...