
Cannot Detach from process using mdbg

Following on from this question I now have code that can attach to a process using the Mdbg API. The problem is that I can't detach from the process if I need to. When I call mgProcess.Detach().WaitOne(); ( where mgProcess is a MDbgProcess created from an MDbgEngine object ) I get the following error message: Process not synchronized...

Web Based Stack Dump Tool for ASP.NET Using Mdbg?

There is a great presentation by Dan Farino, Chief Systems Architect at, showcasing a web-based stack dump tool that catalogues all threads running in a given process (what they're doing, how long they've been executing, etc.) Their techniques are also summarized on PerfCollector. Centralized collect...

Evaluating static methods (with parameters) using MDbg

How do you evaluate a static method that takes parameters using MDbg on the command-line? To call Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(), this works: mdbg> funceval System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly How would you call the Assembly.Load method? eg. Assembly.Load("Foo.Bar") ...

How do I programmatically enumerate types in a running .NET process using MDbg?

I want to print out a list of all the different Types loaded in a running .NET process. My plan is to eventually build a GUI app based on this, so I want to do this from my code as opposed to a third party tool. I think my best bet is to use MDbgCore to attach to the running process, and then use MDbgProcess.AppDomains to get CorAppDomai...

Where can I get Mdbg?

I'd like to be able to debug .net code using Mdbg. Is there any way of getting it besides installing Visual Studio ( assuming this is a valid way of obtaining ) ? ...

Does the mdbg managed debugger sample exist for .NET 4.0?

Is there a .NET 4.0 version of the mdbg managed debugger source ? I need to port my CPU analyzer, and ICorDebug has changed a bit in .NET 4.0. ...

mdbg can't debug my hello world program

In order to try out mdbg, I have the following simple hello world program: // kkk.cs using System; class HelloMain { static public void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Hello"); } } Compile it with csc /debug kkk.cs, this yields: kkk.exe kkk.pdb I then do (from the visual studio command line): mdbg kkk.exe or ...