
Programatic access to call stack in .net

How can I get programmatic access to the call stack? ...

Callstack that has has AV reported I see FunctionName() + some Hex value?

What is this offset hex value? ...

How can one grab a stack trace in C?

I know there's no standard C function to do this. I was wondering what are the techniques to to this on Windows and *nix? (Windows XP is my most important OS to do this on right now.) Thanks for the help! ...

How to get a full call stack in Visual Studio 2005?

How can I get a full call stack for a c++ application developed with Visual Studio 2005? I would like to have a full call stack including the code in the system libraries. Do I have to change some settings in Visual Studio, or do I have to install additional software? ...

Call Stack at Runtime

I want to access the call stack at runtime in a Native C++ application. I am not using the IDE. How do I display the call stack? Update: I have a function which is called from many points all over the application. It crashes on rare occasions. I was looking for a way to get name of the caller and log it. ...

Java: Eclipse - Diff Trace

I've got two versions of a project with a JUnit test. Looking at the diff of the files there's no obvious reason to this, but the test passes on one project but not on the other. For a while now I've wondered if there was a program that would record a trace through the whole program when it runs and save it to a file. This would be real...

Is it possible to retrieve the call stack programmatically in VB6?

When an error occurs in a function, I'd like to know the sequence of events that lead up to it, especially when that function is called from a dozen different places. Is there any way to retrieve the call stack in VB6, or do I have to do it the hard way (e.g., log entries in every function and error handler, etc.)? ...

How do you make StackWalk64() work successfully on x64?

I have a C++ tool that walks the call stack at one point. In the code, it first gets a copy of the live CPU registers (via RtlCaptureContext()), then uses a few "#ifdef ..." blocks to save the CPU-specific register names into stackframe.AddrPC.Offset, ...AddrStack..., and ...AddrFrame...; also, for each of the 3 Addr... members above, i...

General way to reset a member variable to its original value using the stack?

I came across a class instance function that needed to temporarily change a class instance variable, and then restore it when the function completed. The function had return statements all over the place, and before each return there was a restoring statement. That seemed messy to me, not to mention scary when a exception is thrown. As ...

How can I get a call stack listing in Perl?

Is there a way I can access (for printout) a list of sub + module to arbitrary depth of sub-calls preceding a current position in a Perl script? I need to make changes to some Perl modules (.pm's). The workflow is initiated from a web-page thru a cgi-script, passing input through several modules/objects ending in the module where I nee...

What can modify the frame pointer?

I have a very strange bug cropping up right now in a fairly massive C++ application at work (massive in terms of CPU and RAM usage as well as code length - in excess of 100,000 lines). This is running on a dual-core Sun Solaris 10 machine. The program subscribes to stock price feeds and displays them on "pages" configured by the user (a ...

c# how do you find the caller function?

Closed as exact duplicate of "How can I find the method that called the current method?" Is this possible with c#? void main() { Hello(); } void Hello() { // how do you find out the caller is function 'main'? } ...

Help me analyze this callstack to see whats calling my method

Ok, so I have a very simple form with next to no logic in it that is controlled by by a presenter. There is a method on it public void Reset() that resets the form to its initial state. This should be called only by the presenter and in very specific cases (such as an activity timeout). I am running into a problem though where in a fe...

Something higher in the call stack making a call

When a caller is higher in the stack, what does this mean? For example, lets say I start a program, a form loads up (we'll call this a), then this form calls another form (b). The called form will be at the top of the stack, so if this form called form a, will this be a caller higher in the stack making a call to something below? Thanks...

What stackless programming languages are available?

What stackless programming languages are available? I know of Stackless Python, but are there any other languages which do not rely on a C stack that can be embedded into other applications? List of stackless programming languages: Stackless Python PyPy by climatewarrior Lua by Van Gale Tcl by Martin Drapeau Lisp and Scheme by John F...

How to Log Stack Frames with Windows x64

I am using Stackdumps with Win32, to write all return adresses into my logfile. I match these with a mapfile later on (see my article [Post Mortem Debugging][1]). EDIT:: Problem solved - see my own answer below. With Windows x64 i do not find a reliable way to write only the return adresses into the logfile. I tried several ways: Tri...

Can you set the size of the call stack in c++? (vs2008)

Im working from an example peice of code that allocates a relatively large local array. (32768 to be precise) When i try the same i'm getting behaviour that appears to be a stack overflow. Now i was wondering if my example has maybe set the stack to be larger then my application. Is this possible? if so how? Many thanks ...

Inspect Call Stack in VBA

Would It be possible to see Stack in VBA (MS Access 2003). I mean Would it be possible to see what procedure or function this function was called from... ...

How can I count the number of callstack frames?

For a C++ debug application I want to be able to count the number of callstack frames easily. Is there an OS function to do this? I need this for Windows and Posix, i.e. cross platform. Solutions to either or both platforms would be great. I can walk the stack to find all of the frames but I wondered if there was an easy call to do thi...

How can I detect recursing package calls in Perl?

I have a Perl project were I just had a problem by making a circular package call. The code below demonstrates the problem. When this is executed, each package will call the other until all of the memory of the computer is consumed and it locks up. I agree that this is a bad design and that circular calls like this should not be mad...