
Open source VideoPlayer / AudioPlayer / MediaPlayer GUI / UI resource available?

Hi, I'm looking for a user interface for a MediaPlayer which should be able to play video as well as audio files. Furthermore it needs the following things (nothing fancy): TextView for playing time Progress Bar for progress visulization Play/Pause/Stop buttons NO playlist functionality required, the player will only play a single i...

Streaming to the Android MediaPlayer

Hi. I'm trying to write a light-weight HTTP server in my app to feed dynamically generated MP3 data to the built-in Android MediaPlayer. I am not permitted to store my content on the SD card. My input data is essentially of an infinite length. I tell MediaPlayer that its data source should basically be something like "http://localhos...

WPF MediaPlayer doesn't play M4A?

I am trying to use a MediaPlayer instance to play M4A files. For those of you that aren't familiar, MediaPlayer is the non-XAML version of a MediaElement. There are pretty much the same, but I don't want any XAML, so I use a MediaPlayer instead. Anyways, it plays some M4A files just fine. The NaturalDuration of other M4A files is 0, but ...

Is it possible to access a Silverlight XAP file across a two local host domain?

Hi I had created a silver light application with media player. And it is working in that app fine. When i use the embed code to some other application as meta tag. It fails to load the zap file and video. Can i know how can i fix it. Here is code: <object height="360" width="640" type="application/x-silverlight-2" data="data:applicatio...

Cross-domain templating with Javascript

I'm currently building a Javascript library that can be used to easily create embeddable media based on the URL of a media file, and then be controlled using Javascript methods and events (think something like the Flash / Silverlight JW player). Of course, i could simply cat all the html tags from the Javascript library and send that t...

media player questions

I'm making a media player in wpf using c#. I had 3 questions. I tried making a seeker XAML: <Slider Name="timelineSlider" Margin="40,91,26,0" ValueChanged="SeekToMediaPosition" Height="32" VerticalAlignment="Top" /> Code: private void Element_MediaOpened(object sender, EventArgs e) { timelineSlider.Maximum = ply.NaturalDuratio...

background music stops after 3/4 runs in iphone app

I am playing sounds in loop in my app. So it should continue playing through out the app. but sometimes it stops after playing sound for 3/4 times.I don't understand whats happening. I am using audio-toolbox framework for playing sound. creating audio queue and then playing sounds in loop. I am also playing sound from ipod library using...

Application threads vs Service threads

What are the advantages/disadvantages in placing a lengthy network access code in a thread in an activity or a thread in a service? How would it affect the application? I am writing a streaming audio player and from what I've read so far putting the code in a service will still end up blocking the application so a new thread is needed,...

how to play an encrypted file in Android.

I need to be able to play an encrypted file in Android. The file is AAC. The only way I can see to do this is either: decrypt the file to internal private storage and point the player at that file to play, or decrypt & decode the file to pcm and feed it to an AudioTrack. 1 isn't great because it takes a long time to do that. 2 isn'...

Regarding playing media file in Android media player application

Hi. I am new to android development. I just started with creating my own media player application by looking at the code samples given in Android SDK. While I am trying to play a local media file (m.3gp), I am getting IOException error :: error(1,-4). Please can somebody help me in this regard. Here is my code. package com.mediaPlaye...

how to play video files by using UITableView?

Hi, In my iPhone application I need to show a video image in UITableView. Each tableViewCell have video and some labels. I used the MPMoviePlayerController for showing video in full screen when the cell is selected. But, I am getting error that MPMoviePlayerController class is not there. I tried using UIWebView. But, I could not make it....

http stream of baselineh264 doesnt seem to work in my MPMoviePlayerViewController

Here is some code... I have a stream that works correctly if I view with safari on the iphone or quicktimex on the mac... but the stream doesnt view in my code for the ipad simulator - (IBAction)clickedOpenMovie:(id)sender { NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://myipofstreamingserver:1935/live/aStream/playlist.m3u8"...

i have two mpmovieplayercontrollers and two separate subviews that they utilze... except that only one video will play at a time

I would like to have both movies playing at once in their two separate sub views. They are both accessing different media. this is on an ipad with a superview and two little views 320x240 right by eachother on the xib. -(IBAction)playLeft:(id)sender{ if ([self.playerRight playbackState] == MPMoviePlaybackStatePlaying); [self.playerRig...

Invoking browser on streaming media URLs

I have a dirt simple little function that launches the blackberry browser on a streaming media file in order to launch the built in media player. Everything works fine but there is this annoying dialog every time from the browser asking me if I want to save or open the file. My answer is always "open" the file so is there a way I can mak...

Getting a variable out of a Public Void (Android)

I have this code: hubSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { final MediaPlayer mp2 = MediaPlayer.create(Textbox.this, R.raw.hero); mp2.start(); } public void onNothingSelecte...

Stopping and Play button for Audio (Android)

I have this problem, I have some audio I wish to play... And I have two buttons for it, 'Play' and 'Stop'... Problem is, after I press the stop button, and then press the Play button, nothing happens. -The stop button stops the song, but I want the Play button to play the song again (from the start) Here is my code: final MediaPlayer ...

Recording sound, -and then using/saving it... (On android)

I want to add a feature into my app where you can record sound and then use it within the app (MediaPlayer) How can I do this? -First, how do I record sound? -Second, how do I get it into a Mediaplayer? -Does it have to be saved? or can it go from being recorded -> into app straight away... Please help, Thanks alot... James ...

Why doesnt R.raw.'songname' not work on android devices?

I have some media (Audio tracks) on an app... With file path 'R.raw.test' I use some code to get it into a mediaplayer... MediaPlayer.create(Textbox.this,; And it works PERFECTLY on the Android Emulator... (Plays track on click of button) Can someone explain why, when I put it on my Archos (5 IT) it doesnt work at all? ...

How play the video using “HTTP Live Streaming” in iphone?

I am new to iphone development,I am parsing a XML URL and display its content in the table, when i click a row , its corresponding parsed tube URL is played using the movie player.I am using media player framework.Here is my code NSURL *movieURL = [NSURL URLWithString:requiredTubeUrl]; if (movieURL) { if ([movieURL scheme]) { Mov...

WPF's MediaPlayer not playing sounds on certain pc's

Hi, I made an WPF app that plays sounds using the MediaPlayer class. This works great on a lot of pc's, but there are 2 pc's that play regular sounds (and they also play the .wav's from the app when opened with windows media player) but they don't play the sounds when opened from my app.. I get no error message or anything, they just...