
Is there a way to test HTTP Live Streaming via an iSight camera?

I'm working on an iPhone app that will use HTTP Live Streaming. Using Apple's provided tools (particularly mediafilesegmenter), I'm able to successfully segment and serve an archived video. Now I want to test Live Streaming stuff. I don't own any sort of camcorder, I just have my iSight built-in to my Mac. Is there a way to leverage this...

How to use the media segementer in the mac?

I have a url of a video.I want to segment it using mediastreamsegmenter in the can i do that.Any step by step tutorials will be more helpful.Thanks. ...

HTTP Live Streaming using Apple mediastreamsegmenter

Hello All I would like to implement HTTP live streaming for iPhone/iPad. I am following the apple standards and tools for same. As of now my video source is one giving me live video from rtsp:// (sample IP). but as HTTP live streaming and mediastreamsegmenter required to pass source over UDP network so i have t...

HTML5/Flash component to play Apple's segmented video streams?

What you can recommend out of HTML5 (JS) and Flash components/libraries to play iPhone/iPad-compatible video stream inside web page on conventional browsers? I've checked for FlowPlayer, unfortunatelly it seems not able to work with Apple's segmenter (the one, that cuts video in 10 second .ts fragments, and gives out a playlist). ...

Having trouble setting up mediastreamsegmenter on Mac OS X 10.6

Hello, I'm trying to use Mac OS X 10.6's mediastreamsegmenter to take the audio input of my mac and turn it into a stream that I could listen to on the iPhone. I've read this and the related man page: but when I do something like this: mediastre...