
Mediawiki update password manually

How to Modify mediawiki(v 1.15) User password manually(Direct to database) ...

Python MediaWiki table regex (find strings of a particular format, then extract substrings within)

I'm trying to find all strings of the format {{rdex|001|001|Bulbasaur|2|Grass|Poison}} in a large text file, and then extract the substrings corresponding to the first 001 and to Bulbasaur, perhaps as a tuple. I'm assuming regex with capturing groups can be used for both; could anybody tell me the appropriate regex to use in Python 3.1 ...

Running 1 MediaWiki site from two Amazon EC2 servers

I just created an MediaWiki website at Amazon EC2 using Turnkey's MediaWiki package (see and for performance and resilience I would like to run the same MediaWiki content from two different EC2 locations (US and EU). Is that possible? Maybe using and EBS volume? (see

Why am I getting the error "cannot import name Scanner" when I try to use the mwclient module for Python?

I'm using Python 2.5.2 (because mwclient still only works for 2.x). I've copied the mwclient folder into the /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mwclient folder, and when I run a program that imports mwclient I get this: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 2, in <module> import mwclient File "/usr/lib/pyth...

Mediawiki Documentation - get Article Text

I am writing an extension for Mediawiki. If I know the page_id and page_title of an article, how do I get the first 50 odd words of the article? Is there a function defined to get the article text give the page_id? ...

Embedding Recent Changes on Main Page on MediaWiki

I am a complete and total newbie with MediaWiki. I would like to find a way to include Recent Changes directly on the Main Page, without having to have the user navigate to the recent changes page. What are my options for this? Thanks! ...

In MediaWiki, is it possible to capture user search terms that don't return results?

That is, is there a way to log what people are searching for but are not getting any results in order to tell me where I need to add/improve the documentation so they get a result? ...

MediaWiki: how to hide users from the user list?

I've set up Mediawiki 1.15.1 for a client who has added two users by mistake. They now want to hide these users from the user list. It seems this is done via the $wgGroupPermissions array with $wgGroupPermissions['suppress']['hideuser'] = true;, but it isn't at all clear what entry this needs for the hiding to work, or whether a new gro...

Convert mediawiki to LaTeX syntax

I need to convert mediawiki into LaTeX syntax. The formulas should stay the same, but I need to transform, for example = something = into \chapter{something}. Although this can be obtained with a bit of sed, things get a little dirty with the itemize environment, so I was wondering if a better solution can be produced. Anything that can...

Check if a MediaWiki page exists (Python)

I'm working on a Python script that transforms this: foo bar Into this: [[Component foo]] [[bar]] The script checks (per input line) if the page "Component foo" exists. If it exists then a link to that page is created, if it doesn't exist then a direct link is created. The problem is that I need a quick & cheap way to check if a l...

Is there an equivalent of latex \newcommand in mediawiki

I want to create a command in mediawiki. For example, in latex I can do \newcommand{\concept}{\textbf} Is it possible to create an alias for '''foo''' and so on? ...

MediaWiki: Can I make all links lowercase and use hyphen instead of underscore as word separator?

Can I make in Mediawiki links lowercase and use hyphen instead of underscore as word separator? Sort of what Wordpress or another wiki CMS does. ...

API for accessing PHP documentation?

I'm done some Googling, and I've found nothing. I'm scoping out writing a plugin for an editor I use, and I am wondering whether there is a way I can access the PHP documentation via an API? For instance, I'd like to get raw access to the information (besides the comments) located here: seemingly use...

How do php apps identify a user after the session has timed out?

I am trying to understand how PHP apps check to see if a user is logged in. I am specifically looking at mediawiki's code to try to help me understand, but these cases should be fairly common in all php apps. From what I gather, the main cases are: A user just logged in or was created, every time they visit the page PHP knows its them...

What PHP Framework and ORM does wikipedia use?

I have always been fascinated about how wikipedia works. I am think of creating an idea similar to wikipedia but I must know what technology they use first. Just wanted to know what technology does wikipedia use? ...

Which module should I use to parse mediawiki text into a Perl data structure?

I just need to parse the wikitext into Perl arrays of hashes. I found several modules. The Text::MediawikiFormat seems to be what I need, but it returns HTML, and I want a Perl data structure. I also looked at: Parse::MediaWikiDump Text::WikiText Convert::Wiki ...

Stand alone editor for editing wiki text on windows/explorer

I am looking for stand alone program than have good easy editor for creating wiki context and then upload to internal mediawiki installation. We have private mediawiki. Many user are new to wiki and get confused by syntax, but want to use it. Little toolbar on wikipage editor is not good enough. I found MSWord converted here: http://w...

Using variables for colors in table cells

Using the variables extension, I want to change the background color of a cell in a table. So far I've done this: {{#vardefine:green|<span style="background:Green; color:White">text</span>}} The problem is that, when I add {{#var:green}} to the cell, only the text itself has a green background. Ideally, I want the whole cell to have a...

is there an open source realtime collaborative wiki engine ?

Hello, I am looking for an - open source - real time - collaborative wiki engine. A sort of mix between mediawiki and an open source version of google docs where several users could see each other's edits in real time. Is there such a state-of-the-art beast ? Thanks Jerome Wagner ...

Apply change when editing a mediawiki skin

I am editing a mediawiki skin but the change doesn't appear in my browser. Is there a way to force the myskin.php to see the update? ...