
Unresolved external symbol on static class members

Very simply put: I have a class that consists mostly out of static public members, so I can group similar functions together that still have to be called from other classes/functions. Anyway, I have defined two static unsigned chars in my class' public scope, when I try to modify these values in the same class' constructor, I am gettin...

labeling a group of members as private/public in c#

in a c++ class declaration, you can label a group of members as private or public, e.g. private: int x; double y; seems like there's no way to do this in c#. am I wrong? ...

Is it better to store class constants in data members or in methods?

I recently wrote a class that renders B-spline curves. These curves are defined by a number of control points. Originally, I had intended to use eight control points, so I added a constant to the class, like so: class Curve { public: static const int CONTROL_POINT_COUNT = 8; }; Now I want to extend this class to allow an arbi...

Should lookup tables be static

I have a Message class which parses text messages using lookup tables. I receive a lot of messages and create and destroy a lot of objects so I thought I declare those lookup tables as static members to prevent initializing the same tables with the same values again and again. Is it the correct approach or there's more appropriate C++ w...

DB design : members table separate or all in one table ?

I want to create a table of friends with personal information and log on details. What better to separate the members table to 2 tables , one contain minimal details , second with Other details. or remain in one table ? i have a lot of tables that contain the foreign key of the member. ...

Classes and file reading

Can an object of ifstream type used for file reading be a static member of a class? I want to read a file and store each line in an array of objects of a class i have created. I want the file reading object to belong to the entire array of objects instead of one single instance of the class. ...

How did you handle your team members during times of recession, when you had to let go of some people?

i was asked the above question during one of my interviews. Although i answered that i will talk with each of the employees individually and try to make comfortable in the current position but still i think there may be a better answer for this question. The scenario is as follows: suppose i have 5 members in my team and my org is la...

C++ static members in class

Hey Guys Is it possible to access to access and use static members within a class without first creating a instance of that class? Ie treat the the class as some sort of dumping ground for globals James ...

[C++] Map functions of a class while declaring the functions

Hi, My previous question about this subject was answered and I got some tests working nice. My question is now, if there is a way to while declaring the function, be able to register it in a map, like I realized in this question about namespaces and classes: http://s...

Outer Java class is able to access inner class private members?

I observed that Outer classes can access inner classes private instance variables. How is this possible? A sample code demonstrating the same is explained below:: class ABC{ class XYZ{ private int x=10; } public static void main(String... args){ ABC.XYZ xx = new ABC().new XYZ(); System.out.println("H...

Access identically named class members of instances of different classes

I have instances of class A and B, and both classes implement a member 'Text'. Is there a way to access member Text in a generic way? I'm hoping for something analogous to the javascript way of simply saying: instance['Text'] = value; Note: these two classes unfortunately do not both implement the same interface with a Text member. ...

Returning Multiple Counts of Rows

Hard to capture the problem in a single sentence, but the problem is a simple one. Table looks like this: col_a col_b v1 c v2 c v3 c v5 d v2 d v1 a v5 a v7 a v4 a Each row is distinct, and I need a count of the rows for each unique value of col_b. So, my resu...

C# hiding with members

Hi, in the below example, what would happen? class Base { public int abc = 3; } Class Derived : Base { public int abc = 2; } static void Main() { Derived blah = new Derived(); Console.WriteLine(; } I'm sure you would see '2' on your console, but what I'm reading (and seeing) opposes that... Why would you see...

Identical Class Member Names and Function Argument Names in C++

I have a simple object that holds some [public] data. I want to keep my interface clean, so I don't want to pre-/post- fix anything to the names of the publically accessible variables nor to the names of my function arguments. That said, I ended up doing something like this: template<typename T> struct Foo { explicit Foo(T x) : x(x)...

Javascript new object (function ) vs inline invocation

Is there any considerations to determine which is better practice for creating an object with private members? var object = new function () { var private = "private variable"; return { method : function () { ..dosomething with private; } } } VS var object = function () { ... }(); Basically what ...

How to access the members of this data in PHP?

Okay. Now I give up. I have been playing with this for hours. I have a variable name $data. The variable contains these contents: (extracted by using var_export()) array ( 'headers' => array ( 'content-type' => 'multipart/alternative; boundary="_689e1a7d-7a0a-442a-bd6c-a1fb1dc2993e_"', ), 'ctype_parameters' => array ( ...

Template object as static member of the template class

Imagine the following template class (setter and getter for the member _t omitted): template<class T> class chain { public: static chain<T> NONE; chain() : _next(&NONE) {} ~chain() {} chain<T>& getNext() const { return *_next; } void setNext(chain<T>* next) { if(next && next != this) _next = next; ...

Disallow fields in descended class C++

Hello StackOverflowers, With a friend, we had following problem recently. There was a base class: class A { public: A() : foo(10) {} virtual int getFoo() const { return foo; } protected: int foo; }; A friend implemented a class deriving from the one above. class B : public A { public: void process() { foo = 666; } p...

C++ static members

Hello! I have the following code: void Foo() { static std::vector<int>(3); // Vector object is constructed every function call // The destructor of the static vector is invoked at // this point (the debugger shows so) // <------------------- int a; } Then somewhere I call Foo several times in a sequence Why doe...

User permissions in WMI

Does anyone know which WMI Class is to be used to getting information of which users or user groups have permission for a given folder? ...