
Login control and custom membership provider

I am working on implementing a custom membership provider that works against an existing schema in my database and have a few thoughts/questions. The login control will automatically call the ValidateUser method of the membership provider, so no matter how I implement the provider the only thing the login control cares about is the bool...

Does it make sense to build a custom AD profile provider?

Hi all, On my current project we are using the active directory as a user repository and using AzMan as the application authorization store. Both of these are cover with the Membership and the Roles providers (plus the AzMan for operations authorization) The only thing missing is getting detailed info about the logged user. I could use ...

ASP.NET FormsAuthentication does not use default MembershipProvider

I have created a BasicMembershipProvider class that inherits from MembershipProvider, when implemented, the ValidateUser does not get called. This is my setup: web.config <membership defaultProvider="BasicMembershipProvider"> <providers> <clear/> <add name="BasicMembershipProvider" type="MyMVCProject.Providers.BasicMembership...

Membership provider properties not being read from web.config

I'm having a problem with a custom Membership implementation for ASP.NET using EF. The thing is, my web.config features the default values for the provider but at runtime those default are only being read in Initialize() the first time provider is instantiated (that happens for instance when I request the Register view via GET but when I...

C# MembershipUser.ChangePassword fails for one user only?

I'm using the change password feature of the standard AspNetSqlMembershipProvider in my ASP.NET MVC-2 app: MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(userId); string pwd = user.ResetPassword(); if (user.ChangePassword(pwd, confirmPassword)) { // it worked } And this works for the vast majority of users, but there are a couple of use...

System.Web.Security.MembershipCreateStatus not accessable from a Test project?

Hello, I coded a custom Membership provider and I want to run some Unit tests against it. However, whenever I create a "Test" project, I can't access MembershipCreateStatus. You may know that this is a type on an out parameter for CreateUser. I am using VS2010 Ultimate and just can't seem to grasp why, even when I add a reference to ...

ASP.NET authentication - multi-app and multi-user database

We have a simple ASP.NET app that uses the ASP.NET SqlMembershipProvider and all is great. We want to create a second app on the same server, also use the SqlMembershipProvider, but a different "applicationName" so that the user accounts between the two apps are kept separate. It looks like this would be possible by making the two di...