
Problem with custom MembershipProvider in SharePoint 2010

I'm having a problem getting a custom membership provider to work in SharePoint. The login page is displayed, but when I enter any credentials - right or wrong - I get the following error: The given assembly name or codebase was invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131047) (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server E...

Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Providers meaning for LoweredApplicationName

Hi, Im using Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Provider to setup USERS, ROLES and MEMBERSHIP for my website. I can see new table in my DataBase. I would like to know what is used for: table: aspnet_Applications fields: LoweredApplicationName and table: aspnet_Users fields LoweredUserName MobileAlias Thanks guys for your great support! ...

ASP - Microsoft Access Providers - userID unique after deleting user or reuse?

Hello, I'm building a website in ASP (C#). I'm using the Microsoft Access Membership Provider. I was wondering if the userID will stay unique after removing the user or if it will be used again when creating a new user. Hope somebody knows the answer. Greet, Jesper ...

I need my custom MembershipProvider to throw an exception on ValidateUser

I created a custom Membership Provider which is now working in production just fine validating my WCF calls. I do have an issue every now and then that for some unknown reason my provider cannot validate the user. In those cases I do not want the ValidateUser function to just return false, so I thought of throwing and excception with a ...

Injecting Repository In MembershipProvider.Initialize()? Bad Idea?

I am building an MVC2 web app using StructureMap. I have created a custom MembershipProvider. I get it properly initialized at startup by calling: x.For<MembershipProvider>().Use(Membership.Provider); x.For<IMembershipProvider>().Use<CPOPMembershipProvider>(); In Initialize(), I am thinking of instantiating a repository to use...

Absolutely different parameters in CreateUser method in my implemented MembershipProvider.

Now i'm trying to do registration/authorization by my own (ASP.NET MVC). I've already implemented RoleProvider class and ValidateUser from MembershipProvider class. Now i'm trying to implement CreateUser, but i don't want to use original parameters, because i got my own. It's possible somehow to not use original parameters or create my o...

Membership.Provider And Asp.NET MVC2: Do I Really Need it?

I see a lot of articles and posts on how to create a custom MembershipProvider, but haven't found any explanation as to why I must/should use it in my MVC2 web app. Apart from "Hey, security is hard!", what are critical parts of the whole MembershipProvider subsystem that I should know about that I don't, because I've only read about how...

How to initialize and use / aggregate the default DNN AspNetMembershipProvider

The idea is to mix two providers, and by default, that's not allowed (either the first, or the defaultProvider will be initialized). So we created MixedMembershipProvider that aggregates two other providers, the default DotNetNuke's AspNetMembershipProvider and our own. Depending on user action, the mixed one decides automatically what t...

ASP.NET Membership installation wizard

Hi. How install membership provider from C# code ? input is only connection string. Thats all. Thank you ...

multiple membership providers

I have created two custome membership providers that I would like to add to my web.config. The first one would be the default that the application would use. The second would be called by a WCF service that I have in the same application. The providers in the membership section of my web.config looks like the following: <...

PCI Compliance with ASP.Net Membership Provider

So if you have an ecommerce app and you used the awesome ASP.Net Membership Provider you have a working user authentication system out-of-the-box. Now.. your customers says "Please make my site PCI Compliant" So it seems like there are handful of tweaks that you'll need to make, such as: enforce symbols in new passwords minimum passw...

ASP.Net Membership logging in successfully, then redirecting to login page

We're having a load of problems with an ASP.Net Membership application at the moment. For reasons that aren't relevant, we're using a MembershipProvider implementation that uses the old-style Web.config specified credentials and a RoleProvider that just allows everything (the RolesProvider may be the problem here!). This isn't something...

Add Password Requirements to Membership Provider

Do I need to make a Custom Membership Provider or is there another way? I have a project using ASP.NET Forms Authentication and the Microsoft SQL Membership Provider. The website is DONE. I use this provider everywhere. (Register, Login, Forgot Password, etc...) Until now, my website users have not needed complex passwords. The users' p...

ASP.NET TableStorageProvider for Azure tables not persisting users ?

I have a windows azure Webrole application using Silverlight on top of WCF+ASP.NET. I found this useful ASP.NET provider for Azure tables in the Azure samples and implemented it. I authenticate my users with the WCF service System.Web.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationService. It works great: I create my users with a very simple ASP.NE...

how to create multiuser login Visual studio....?

m creating a project on hospital management ...with C# code but the problem i m not able to do what i want ..... !. its like i want to create multiuser login like if admin will login with his/her id and password he/she can access all the field in the project but if cashier will login with his id and password he will only able to access...

AspNetActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider & mixed logins

Hi All, I'm creating a WPF application, for which all users must be authenticated to an Active Directory. - Clientside, i'm using Client Application Services. - Server-side, i have an web application with a AspNetActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider. All is working as expected. There's one catch however. Some of the wpf applicati...

Custom Membership provider that would read connection string from custom file

hi, In my web application project I am using MYSQLMemberShipProvider. Now I want that instead of reading the connection string from web.config file, it will read the connection string from external file every time. So that I am implementing the custom membership provider class, this class inherits the MembershipProvider class. But th...

WCF service authentication using System.Web.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationService, I can't authenticate to the membership provider

I'm trying to get authenticated using the the Authentication Service and my Membership Provider. Ideally I want to call my membership provider, but I bomb out before hitting my provider. Says a token cannot be validated. Checking my error log, it appears I'm trying to Authenticate using Windows auth. That's not what I'm intending to do. ...

ASP.NET Membership Provider all user with no email

Hello, Does the ASP.NET Membership Provider allow you to create a user with no email address? I plan to still send the username and password. <membership defaultProvider="MySqlMembershipProvider"> <providers> <clear /> <add connectionStringName="SimpleTickConnection" applicationName="TheaterSales" enablePasswordRetrieval="f...

ASP.NET MVC MembershipProvider with repository and ninject

How do I communicate with the UserService through an overidden MembershipProvider class? I have no idea how to pass the connection string to the user repository inside the service. This is how my app is structured: Repository (constructor in the implementation takes a connection string) public interface IUserRepository { IQueryabl...