
memcache and memcache java client

how to use java memcache client now after memcache server is up and connect to my java application..- any help? ...

PHP - What's faster, memcache or require?

I'm trying to load in predefined email messages to send out -- my question is, should I memcache all the email messages rather than just including the file that contains the variables with the email messages, and only call it once a day or something? ...

Token/Activations table or Memcache?

My recent discovery of memcache has kind of created a craze and opening up everything to new possibilities. Right now, when I send out a confirmation email when someone has signed up for one of our services, I create "token" in a "tokens" table that has a set expiration (usually 3 days) for them to verify their account. I then have a d...

Memcache localhost connection oddity

When I try to connect to memcache using this code: $memcache = new Memcache; $memcache->connect('localhost', 11211) or die ("Could not connect"); The call dies with the "Could not connect" error, but if I use localhost's IP: $memcache = new Memcache; $memcache->connect('', 11211) or die ("Could not connect"); It works! So...

Google App Engine - JCache or Memcache API?

Are there any advantages and/or disadvantages to using either JCache (JSR 107) or the Memcache API with Google App Engine? If so, what are they? ...

Is the ruby operator ||= intelligent?

I have a question regarding the ||= statement in ruby and this is of particular interest to me as I'm using it to write to memcache. What I'm wondering is, does ||= check the receiver first to see if it's set before calling that setter, or is it literally an alias to x = x || y This wouldn't really matter in the case of a normal variab...

Configure Symfony for use with Memcached

I have 2 Symfony applications (1 using 1.2.x, another using 1.4.x and both using Propel) that need to share some specific session information. Although I have no experience with memcached, my sense--after some reading--is that it may be able to serve as an external (FAST) repository that each app could read and write to. Unfortunately, I...

spy memcache - class not found error

I am able to run stand alone java class that uses spymemcache(using memcache 2.5 jar) but when i try to run a web appliaction which uses jboss server it gives me following error:- 09:17:29,125 ERROR [STDERR] 2010-06-10 09:17:29.125 09:17:29,125 ERROR [STDERR] 09:17:29,125 ERROR [STDERR] INFO 09:17:29,125 ERROR [STDERR] 09:17:29,125 ERRO...

Amazon Machine Image(AMI) for PHP5

Hi, I would like to move my application on EC2. I would like to know the AMI Image which has Linux(Preferably Ubuntu),PHP 5,MemCached, eAccelerator or XCache. Please advise. Regards, Mugil. ...

Track and identify users with Memcached

I have social network website that contains thousands of users. Until now I used the classic way of storing user's details in the session object. Now, I want to upgrade it, so it will work against Memcached, and the key value is the "userId". My question is: What is or where is the best place to keep the "userId" so I can use it constan...

memcached vs. internal caching in PHP?

Hey, I'm working on some old(ish) software in PHP that maintains a $cache array to reduce the number of SQL queries. I was thinking of just putting memcached in its place and I'm wondering whether or not to get rid of the internal caching. Would there still be a worthwihle performance increase if I keep the internal caching, or would me...

Memcached getDelayed alternative implementation

I would like to use getDelayed on the PHP Memcached extension but I think it's not implemented in the right way. Right now you ask for some keys and then retrieve all of them with fetch() and fetchAll(). But imagine a scenario where I need to retrieve 15 keys used in different parts of the page which I don't know in advance, but I can a...

datastore scalability issue

I am trying to find the best solution of servicing a user of a HTTP service, that requires a huge amount of data at once. The idea is that we have an extremely big table which can get to around 80 million records - it might happen that some clients request the whole data (and yes, they need it all at once); the data gets updated only onc...

memcache redundancy changes key flag

Hi all, I am using memcache in my php application. I am trying to implement redundancy by setting memcache.redundancy = 3 in memcache.ini. When i initially set a key the value of flag is 0 (using telnet). But when I replace the value of the key the flag changes to 768. Do you have any idea why is this happening and how to keep the key...

Memcached Latency in Amazon EC2

Hi, I am planning to use Amazon EC2 host only for MemCache.My web application ll be residing on shared hosted server and will be communicating to Ec2 for querying Memcache. How would be the performance of this setup. Regards, Mugil. ...

Denormalization of large text?

If I have large articles that need to be stored in a database, each associated with many tables would a NoSQL option help? Should I copy the 1000 char articles over multiple "buckets", duplicating them each time they are related to a bucket or should I use a normalized MySQL DB with lots of Memcache? ...

Caching Models in rails

I have a rails application, with a model that is a kind of repository. The records stored in the DB for that model are (almost) never changed, but are read all the time. Also there is not a lot of them. I would like to store these records in cache, in a generic way. I would like to do something like acts_as_cached, but here are the issu...

PHP speed optimisation.

Hi, Im wondering about speed optimization in PHP. I have a series of files that are requested every page load. On average there are 20 files. Each file must be read an parsed if they have changed. And this is excluding that standard files required for a web page (HTML, CSS, images, etc). EG -> client requests page -> server outputs ht...

Performance comparison of MemCached with Disk Caching

Hi, I would like to know the performances of Memcached on remote server(on same LAN) with Disk Caching.Besides Memcached is a scalable cache solution, would there be any advantage of using Memcached with respect to performance when compared to disk caching. Regards, Mugil. ...

PHP: Measure size in kilobytes of a object/array?

Hi everybody, What's an appropriate way of measure a PHP objects actual size in bytes/kilobytes? Reason for asking: I am utilizing memcached for cache storage in my web application that will be used by non-technical customers. However, since memcached has a maximum size of 1mb , it would be great to have a function set up from the b...