
Is Pointer Variable also Assigned a Memory Address?

In C++: On stack, a simple variable is assigned a memory address so that we can use pointer to contain this memory to point to it; then is a pointer also assigned a memory address? if yes, we can have pointer of pointers now? Thanks! ...

How can I get the memory address of a JavaScript variable?

Is it possible to find the memory address of a JavaScript variable? The JavaScript code is part of (embedded into) a normal application where JavaScript is used as a front end to C++ and does not run on the browser. The JavaScript implementation used is SpiderMonkey. ...

How can I use a page table to convert a virtual address into a physical one?

Lets say I have a normal page table: Page Table (Page size = 4k) Page #: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page Frame #: 3 x 1 x 0 x 2 x 5 x 7 4 6 x x x How can I convert an arbitrary logical address like 51996 into a physical memory address? If I take log base 2 (4096), ...

valueForKey only returns memory address and not actually value

NSDictionary *topic = [spaces objectAtIndex:i]; NSInteger topicid = [topic valueForKey:@"TOPICID"]; when I run this and print out topic I get the following: Printing description of topic: <CFDictionary 0xdb2a70 [0x30307a00]>{type = mutable, count = 2, capacity = 12, pairs = ( 10 : <CFString 0xdb5300 [0x30307a00]>{contents = "TOP...

memory address positive or negative value in c?

in c, i tried to print out address of variable and address of some function. I got one is negative value, the other is positive value. My question is: why does C not represent in all negative or all positive value? Here is my code: int foo() { return 0; } int main() { int a; printf("%d\n",&a); printf("%d\n",foo); ...

[Flex] How to print out an object memory address at runtime? like this.toString() in java.

How to write an AS3 object's memory location for example to a label? I need it for debugging purposed. Thanx ...

What does "DS:[40207A]" mean in assembly?

0040103A CALL DWORD PTR DS:[40207A] USER32.MessageBoxA What does DS: mean? ...

Bits in a memory address

While debugging on Windows XP 32-bit using the immunity debugger, I see the following on the stack: _Address_ -Value_ 00ff2254 ff090045 00ff2258 00000002 My understanding is that every address location contains 8 bits. Is this correct? ...