NSDictionary *topic = [spaces objectAtIndex:i];
NSInteger topicid = [topic valueForKey:@"TOPICID"];
when I run this and print out topic I get the following:
Printing description of topic:
<CFDictionary 0xdb2a70 [0x30307a00]>{type = mutable, count = 2, capacity = 12, pairs = (
10 : <CFString 0xdb5300 [0x30307a00]>{contents = "TOPICID"} = 29
12 : <CFString 0xdb53a0 [0x30307a00]>{contents = "TOPICNAME"} = <CFString 0xdb5360 [0x30307a00]>{contents = "zzzzzzzz"}
However, when I look at topicid, the value is always a memory address. What am I doing wrong?