
DataContractSerializer leaking memory untill process die

Hi guys! I have a .net4 application using EF4, I Expose my model through WCF using BasicHttpBinding (but this can be changed) that every time I try invoke this method my web server process start to grow in memory and the process die. The problem is when the DataContractSeralizer trying to serialize my Entity (has some relationships) ...

SAX, StringBuilder and memory leak

Hi All. I have strange problem. I'm parsing a document with large text field. in my characters section i'm using StringBuilder currentStory.append(ch, start, length); then in my endElement i'm assigning it to the appropriate field on my object. if (name.equals(tagDesc)) { inDesc = false; if (currentItem != null ) { ...

Techniques for finding/avoiding unmanaged leaks in managed code.

Hi, What are the best ways for a .NET developer to hunt down (and avoid) unmanaged leaks in a managed app? There seem to be many excellent resources for tracking down managed leaks, but I haven't found much on tracking unmanaged leaks in a managed app. This question is related, but asks the question from a purely unmanaged point of vi...

Command Binding Memory Leak in WPF

When i create a user control that has a CommandBinding to a RoutedUICommand im worried that i get memory leaks. scenario: Have a RoutedUICommand as a static in c class where i store my commands Implement the CommandBindings on a user control. Add the user control to the main form. Remove the user control from the main form, set the re...

Automation object leaks memory (TConnectionPoints)

I have an automation object with event support that leaks memory. The FConnectionPoints which comes with the generated source is never freed. When I manually add FConnectionPoints.Free in the destructor, the leak goes away. Is this a bug in the Delphi code template, am I doing someting wrong, or is it intended to free FConnectionPoints ...

Possible Memory Leak?

I've got a running java webapp, that I'm monitoring with visualVM. Here's the graph of the heap: The was tested with two sets of requests, one at 3:20 and the other at 4:40 aprox (they are represented in the graph as the only two peaks). My question is: does this means I have a memory leak? I'm worried about the middle part where, a...

C++ memory leaks: are dynamically created arrays removed on leaving a function call?

So I have a function that creates a dynamic array, I then delete the array before I leave the function (as I thought I am supposed to), however I am getting a 'Heap Corruption Detected' warning in VS2008. If I remove the line that deallocates the memory everything works fine: void myFunc() { char* c = new char[length]; memset(c,...

Objective c, Memory Leak, reading from sqlite and assigning values to a NSDictionary and NSAarray

I have a list of shops in a ListController file. I've setted up a sqlite db, in which i've stored 60 shops. On the top of the list i have a search bar. I've made a class called DataController, that is responsible to load and store db datas. @interface DataController : NSObject { sqlite3 *database; NSArray *shops; NSDictionary* ...

Is Foo* f = new Foo good C++ code

Reading through an old C++ Journal I had, I noticed something. One of the articles asserted that Foo *f = new Foo(); was nearly unacceptable professional C++ code by and large, and an automatic memory management solution was appropriate. Is this so? edit: rephrased: is direct memory management unacceptable for new C++ code, in gener...

Recommend Profiler for C#

Hi I have a windows service and it turns out I have a System.OutOfMemoryException after some time. Can you recommend some tools that would detect a memory leaks. I don't know if there can be a memory leak in .NET since it uses a gargage collector. But I remember I used BoundsChecker for C++ applications where memory leaks are typical p...

Why is PermGen space growing?

I've read a few articles, and I understood the following (please correct me and/or edit the question if I'm wrong): The java heap is segmented like this: Young Generation: objects that are created go here, this part is frequently and inexpensively garbage collected Old Generation: objects that survive the garbage collections of the Y...

How can a track down a non-heap JVM memory leak in Jboss AS 5.1?

Hello, After upgrading to JBoss AS 5.1, running JRE 1.6_17, CentOS 5 Linux, the JRE process runs out of memory after about 8 hours (hits 3G max on a 32-bit system). This happens on both servers in the cluster under moderate load. Java heap usage settles down, but the overall JVM footprint just continues to grow. Thread count is v...

Detect meamleaks with FastMM and the exitcode

I have an idea to enable FastMMs memleakreporting in the nightly automatic build. The messagebox should of course be disabled. The simplest would probably be if the applications exitcode was > 0 if there was a memleak. I did a quick test and the exitcode was 0 with a memleak and FastMM. So my question is how can I detect if there was a...

Foundation framework memory leaks

Hi Everyone, We have created an iPhone application which has lot of images in that and we are using facebooker plugin. When we are checking for the memory leaks, it shows lots of memory leaks in foundation framework and CoreGrapics. If anyone will be having any idea about this, please share it with me. Thanks ...

iPhone image memory leak

Hi Everyone, We have a code like this NSData* imageData; UIImage* imageForData; UIImageView* imageView; NSData* imageData; UIImage* imageForData; UIImageView* imageView; CellWithId * cell = [[CellWithId alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; CGRect frame; frame.origin.x = 5; frame.origin.y = 0;

Memory leak when using WPF WebBrowser control in multiple windows

I am working on a project that makes use of the WPF WebBrowser control (System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser). The web browser element of the program is one of many activities the user can engage in, and is opened in a separate window. After the user navigates away from the browser, the window is closed, and a new window is created each ti...

When to use JavaScript template engines?

Here is an example of JavaScript template from Ben Nadel's demo single page long-lived AJAX application taken from: [source] <script id="contact-list-item-template" type="application/template"> <li class="contact clear-fix"> <div class="summary"> <a class="name">${name}</a> </div> ...

What is the best way of solving memory leaks on the iphone ?

Please suggest the best way of solving memory leaks on the iphone. What is the best use of release, autorelease, retain and which cases do each apply? ...

iphone app NSNumber memory leak

Hi, I'm having a memory leak and I have no clue where it comes from and how to fix it. At some point i calculate the distance between 2 locations. double calc = [self getDistance:location to:otherLocation]; NSNumber *distance = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:calc]; in instruments i get as leaked object NSCFNumber and it identifies NSN...

NSTimeInterval memory leak

Hi everyone I have a weird memory leak with NSTimeIntervall and NSDate. Here is my code: NSTimeInterval interval = 60*60*[[[Config alloc] getCacheLifetime] integerValue]; NSDate *maxCacheAge = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-interval]; if ([date compare:maxCacheAge] == NSOrderedDescending) { return YES; } else { ...