
Memory Leak in Blog RSS Parser

Hi, I have 3 view controllers that call the same class to parse an RSS feed. Using the performance tool, Leaks, and viewing instruments I see that all 3 view controllers leak at the exact same line: [[self rssParser]startProcess]; (see below) **Edit: I should mention that there is a fourth view controller that calls [[self rssParser]st...

C++ memory leak detecting method

I'm working on a project using many external library on windows. I got problem with memory leak: i detected many memory leaks by overriding operator new/new[] and delete/delete[]. The problem is i know how many memory blocks are leaked, but don't know where to find them, in overrided functions, i could log size and position of allocated ...

imagejpeg memory exhaustion

I'm creating thumbnails cycling through a lot of images, when I find a large image I get: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 13056 bytes) Now I already know how to circumvent this with: ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); What I want to know is why it exhaust the memory! Is there some debug t...

iPhone NSCFString leaks in fetchRequest

In the following code: - (NSMutableArray *) fetchNotesForGroup: (NSString *)groupName { // Variables declaration NSMutableArray *result; NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest; NSEntityDescription *entity; NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor; NSPredicate *searchPredicate; NSError *error = nil; // Creates the fetchRequest and executes it f...

.NET Framework - Possible memory-leaky classes?

Just the other day I was investigating a memory leak that was ballooning the app from ~50MB to ~130MB in under two minutes. Turns out that the problem was with the ConcurrentQueue class. Internally, the class stores a linked list of arrays. When an item is dequeued from the ConcurrentQueue, the index in the array is bumped, but the item ...

Python - Memory Leak

I'm working on solving a memory leak in my Python application. Here's the thing - it really only appears to happen on Windows Server 2008 (not R2) but not earlier versions of Windows, and it also doesn't look like it's happening on Linux (although I haven't done nearly as much testing on Linux). To troubleshoot it, I set up debugging o...

How can I release this NSXMLParser without crashing my app?

Below is the @interface for an MREntitiesConverter object I use to strip all html tags from a string using an NSXMLParser. @interface MREntitiesConverter : NSObject { NSMutableString* resultString; NSString* xmlStr; NSData *data; NSXMLParser* xmlParser; } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableString* resultString; - (NS...

System.Timers.Timer leaking due to "direct delegate roots"

Apologies for the rather verbose and long-winded post, but this problem's been perplexing me for a few weeks now so I'm posting as much information as I can in order to get this resolved quickly. We have a WPF UserControl which is being loaded by a 3rd party app. The 3rd party app is a presentation application which loads and unloads co...

Memory Leak from Foundation & CFNetwork Library

I am using instruments to resolve memory leak issues for an app in iPhone. I just wanted to know if I have to resolve the leaks coming from Foundation and CFNetwork Libraries. Specifically, the leaks are from: 1. NSCFString 2. NSConcreteData 3. General Block-3584 Since they do not directly point to the code that I have written, how shoul...

debugging a resource leak in a printer driver

I'm trying to debug a memory leak in a printer driver. I'm pretty sure it's a resource leak, not just a plain memory leak because analyzing heap with !heap -s in windbg doesn't show any increase. How do I monitor other kinds of objects with windbg? Number of GDI objects and open handles is not growing either, so what could it be? The...

Iphone Leaks NSString

Hi, I have leaks in the following code : NSString * string; - (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser foundCharacters:(NSString *)str{ string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", str]; } - (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didEndElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName { ...

Automatically calling OnDetaching() for Silverlight Behaviors

I am using several Blend behaviors and triggers on a silverlight control. I am wondering if there is any mechanism for automatically detaching or ensuring that OnDetaching() is called for a behavior or trigger when the control is no longer being used (i.e. removed from the visual tree). My problem is that there is a managed memory leak ...

OQL query to find all instances and sub-instances of a given class refered to from a session

Hi All, I'm trying to use jhat/OQL to trace a memory leak in our Tomcat container. The question I want to ask is: "Show me all the instances (and sub-instances) of class that are reachable from javax.servlet.http.HttpSession" I managed to come up with the following, but this doesn't show subclasses of

MODI leaking memory

I have an app where I'm using MODI 2007 to OCR several multi-page tiff files. I have found that when I kick it off on a directory that contains several good tiffs but also some tiffs that cannot be opened in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, then MODI also fails to OCR those "bad" tiffs. When this happens, the app is unable to reclaim an...

Code corresponding to leaks with Visual Leak Detector

I am trying to use Visual Leak Detector in Visual Studio 2008, here is an example of the output I get: Detected memory leaks! Dumping objects -> {204} normal block at 0x036C1568, 1920 bytes long. Data: < > 80 08 AB 03 00 01 AB 03 80 F9 AA 03 00 F2 AA 03 {203} normal block at 0x0372CC68, 40 bytes long. Data: <( ...

Memory Leaks when touching UITableViewCells and poping off view.

Hi All, I'm currently having a problem where the leaks tool is reporting a slew of memory leaks after clicking on cells within a UITableView and then hitting the back button and popping off the view. Majority of the leaks reported can not be traced back to any specific location in my code, they are: Leaked Object # Address Size Respon...

iphone memory leaks and malloc?

Okay so im finally to the point where I am testing my iPad App on an actual iPad... One thing that my app does is display a large (2mb) image in a scroll view. This is causing the iPad to get memory warnings. I run the app in the instruments to check for the leak. When I load the image, a leak is detected and i see the following in th...

Possible memory leaks in the Java Development Work

Can any one let me where the memory leaks can happen when we are developing Java based application. I am aware of Database but apart from that, is there any other possible ways . Please list the scenarios ...

How to avoid the following purify detected memory leak in C++?

Hi, I am getting the following memory leak.Its being probably caused by std::string. how can i avoid it? PLK: 23 bytes potentially leaked at 0xeb68278 * Suppressed in /vobs/ubtssw_brrm/test/testcases/.purify [line 3] * This memory was allocated from: malloc [/vobs/ubtssw_brrm/test/test_build/linux-x86/rtlib.o] ...

iphone image is leaking, but where?

the image that is being displayed in this code is leaking but I cant figure out how. What I have a tableview that displays images to be displayed. Each time a user selects an image, it should remove the old image, download a new one, then add it to the scroll view. But the old image is not being released and I cant figure out why... -(...