
.NET's equivalent of Java's MemoryImageSource

I found a wonderful open source Java program that I'm translating into C#. The built-in translator in Visual Studio got me started and I've now spent about a month translating the rest manually line by line. I've completed over 15,000 lines of translation and the only thing that remains is trying to figure out how to convert their Memory...

how to show an image from memoryimagesource?

return toolkit.createImage(new MemoryImageSource(rawWidth, rawHeight, oneDPixMod, 0, rawWidth)); anyone knows how to show that image using panel or label maybe? do i need to use class Graphic, like g.drawImage()? thks for the answer ...

Cannot draw pixels, Pi number in a Synesthetic way

I want to print each digit of pi number as a colored pixel, so, I get an input, with the pi number, then parse it into a list, each node containing a digit (I know, I'll use an array later), but I never get this painted to screen... Can someone help me to see where I'm wrong? import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Graphics; impor...