
What is the best free (as in beer, FOSS would be good as well) replacement for Mercury TestDirector?

The question is as its title. I'm looking for a replacement for Mercury TestDirector. Now, TD is a bug tracking tool, but it's more than that - it allows for test script storage and execution, and for the execution reports to link to bugs. In order to be considered, the replacement must provide this bare minimum functionality - bug tr...

Mercury Test Director vs. Selenium: Compare and Contrast

The Question: What are the benefits and disadvantages of TestDirector over Selenium Some background: I have a little experience with Selenium, but I'm told my company owns an enterprise license of TestDirector (and that I may be forced to use it). Thus, apparently cost is not an issue. Given that, I'm wondering what I give up from Selen...

What is more interesting or powerful: Curry/Mercury/Lambda-Prolog/your suggestion.

Hi! I would like to ask you about what formal system could be more interesting to implement from scratch/reverse engineer. I've looked through some existing and rather open (open in the sense of free/open-source) projects of logical/declarative programming systems. I've decided to make up something similar in my free time, or at least ...

ADT properties in Mercury

I wander why Mercury (10.04) can't infer determinism of next snippet: :- pred load_freqs(int::in, io.res(list(float))::out, io::di, io::uo) is det. load_freqs(CPU, ResFreqs, !IO):- open_input(cpu_fn(CPU, "available_frequencies"), ResStream, !IO), (ResStream = io.ok(Stream) -> ResFreqs = io.ok([]) ;ResStream = io.erro...

polymorphic instances for typeclasses in Mercury language

Consider next declaration: :- type wrap(T) ---> wrap(T). :- inst wrap(I) ---> wrap(I). :- typeclass infer_wrap(A, B) <= ((A -> B)). :- instance infer_wrap(A, wrap(A)). Mercury (10.04) produces: monad.m:011: In instance declaration for `monad.infer_wrap(A, monad.wrap(A))': monad.m:011: the first arg is a type variable Even without...