
How to use Messageboxes in MVVM?

It seems that the XAML in MVVM pattern has difficulty to pop-up a Messageboxes. My client insists that the validation labels and colors are not good for them. They still want a messagebox. How can do it? I know I can pop-up messageboxes in the view-model, but it violates the whole purpose for the view-model. I can also raise a error, an...

SplashScreen covers any MessageBoxes in wxPython?

I have a SplashScreen shown while my application loads in the background. Unfortunately, if any errors occur during the application's initialisation a MessageBox is shown - but is behind the splash. This prevents the user from seeing the message, and from dismissing it (the only way to quit is through task manager). Q: Is there any way... 2008 multilingual string display adding resources err:MissingManifestResourcesException

Developing a multilingual application in VB.Net 2008, Im able to add resources to forms and create a multilingual forms depending on uiculture. On reading Msdn on creating the multilingual string values for messagebox contents, have added the .resource file to the project files path as specified. There is no error on compilation but thro...

Detecting a message box opened in another application

I am developing a windows service, in vb .et, that launches a legacy application that performs some work. The service acts as a wrapper around the legacy app allowing users to automate an otherwise manual operation. Everything is working great, except occasionally the legacy app displays a messagebox. When it does this the process hal...

Issues with displaying messagebox in

I have the following message box in c# on my page inside the btnSubmit_Click event. It tends to popup sometimes and not popup sometimes. Any reasons as to why it is not consistent? ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript( GetType(), "alert", "alert('An email has been sent to Customer Service');", true); ...

Capture keystrokes (e.g., function keys) while a messagebox is up

We have a large WinForms app, and there is a built-in bug reporting system that can be activated during testing via the F5 Key. I am capturing the F5 key with .Net's PreFilterMessage system. This works fine on the main forms, modal dialog boxes, etc. Unfortunately, the program also displays windows messageboxes when it needs to. When th...

Create a Modeless Messagebox

How might one go about creating a Modeless MessageBox? Do I have to just create my own Windows Form class and use that? If so, is there an easy way of adding a warning icon (rather than inserting my own image of one) and resizing based on text volume? ...

Explanation why MessageBox is owned by CSRSS process

In my application I catch exceptions using an exceptionfilter, then show a MessageBox telling the user that the application has crashed and giving him some additional information. I use a MessageBox instead of an explicitly constructed dialog because I want to minimize the logic executed after a crash. Initially I had the problem that i...

C#: MessageBox.Show Error - method but used like a type

So I have the declaration at the beginning of my class file using System.Windows.Forms; But when I try to issue the statement MessageBox.Show("Pow"); I receive the error Error 2 'System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window, string)' is a 'method' but is used like a 'type' Complete code: using Syst...

Popping a MessageBox for the main app with Backgroundworker in WPF

Hi there, In a WPF app, I am using a BackgroundWorker to periodically check for a condition on the server. While that works fine, I want to pop a MessageBox notifing the users if something fails during the check. Here's what I have: public static void StartWorker() { worker = new BackgroundWorker(); worker.DoWork += DoSomeWor...

how to create windows7-styled message/dialog boxes with command links in c#?

How to create these beautiful message/dialog boxes (example: in C#? Is there a function similar to MessageBox.Show in the .NET Framework? ...

ASP.NET Jquery C# MessageBox.Show dialog uh...issue..

I am maintaining an ASP.NET site, and I was attempting to get the dialogs looking better using jQuery. The web application has a C# class called MessageBox which allows messages to be shown to the client from the server side.... essentially in the C# on an aspx codebehind if some logic 'does not compute', you can just MessageBox.Show('yo...

Problem with formatting a string with String.Format in C#

I need to print a string in a message box in specific format for which i am using code similar to as shown below: string text=""; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { a=.. b=.. c=.. text += String.Format("{0, -8} {1,-4} {2,8}", a, b, c); } MessageBox.Show(text); So for following set of values: XYZ,ABC,100 X,ABC,100 I get followi...

Where do default MessageBox caption in Windows applications come from?

MessageBox.Show (.NET framework) or MessageBox (e.g. VBA) opens a modal message box from the window of the current application. My questions are: If I do not specify the caption (i.e. what appears in the top-left hand corner) of the message box in the arguments, does the default vary according to the application being run? For example...

Creating A MessageBox That Doesn't Stop Code?

Ok, I'm looking for something pretty simple: creating a MessageBox that doesn't stop my code. I'm guessing I'll have to create a different thread or something? Please advise on the best way to accomplish this. Thanks! ...

Event Arguments - Should they reflect state snapshots of the moment the event occured or live data?

Hello, It appears that the args object passed into an override of OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown describes the current (live) mouse button state, not a snapshot of the state present when the event occurred. Is this proper behavior? Shouldn't event arguments reflect event data at the moment the event occurred (a snapshot) and not be autom...

How can I supress Delphi DataSnap error message dialogs?

We run a DataSnap Delphi 2009 application on Windows 2003 Server. DataSnap Client and Server are on the same computer, using DCOM over Borland Socketserver. The client runs a background batch job. Sometimes, we discover that the client can not connect to the server application and displays a message dialog on the server desktop indicati...

MessageBox not displaying on Windows XP

I have two machines: my dev machine has Windows Server 2008 R2 on it, along with Visual Studio 2008. I'm compiling my applciation on there. My other machine is the target machine and it runs Windows XP. The problem is that I have a MessageBox call that works on the dev machine but not on the target machine. I've commented out everythi...

Custom Message Box Advice

Hey all Well I'm using a Window as my custom message box with a couple of controls which are displayed/populated with text depending on which constructor is called. I have a defined event, which is subscribed to via the original class, this fires once the button has been clicked. However I can't see how to use this effectively, prefer...

Windows mobile message box this.close() ?

On Windows mobile 6.1 prof. I have a messagebox with a yes/no button on it. When I click 'No' option in the messagebox, my whole application shutsdown, how can I simply close the messagebox? string message = "Application will perform a data download agree?"; string caption = ""; MessageBo...