
Why i should use ActiveMQ for send emails ?

Hi, many weeks ago recommended me for send emails, ActiveMQ. So i search information about this, but i don't understand totally how this works. Could someone explain me why i should use ActiveMQ for send emails ? ...

EAI/middleware: Huge messages inline or by reference

Are there good practices for processing messages or requests/responses dealing with huge amounts of data (MBytes? GBytes?) via an middleware or an EAI system, assunming that the middleware transports but does not process the huge data blobs? Transport the data with the message in order to keep coherence but probably several times copy ...

jGrowl: How can I limit my interface to one message at a time?

Given: I load a queue of messages at page load. With jGrowl, how can I display each message, one message at a time, in a drip-like fashion? ...

Are DBMS_AQ.REGISTER callbacks functional on Oracle XE?

I'm trying to get callbacks for oracle streams to work on ORACLE XE. I'd like to be able to perform a demo of using JMS to fire a pl/sql procedure. There are a million other ways of doing this, I'm sure. The idea is to enqueue a message and have the callback fire off. The call back is created using DBMS_AQ.REGISTER All I seem to get is...

Interthread communication time

I am chaining together 15 async operations through ports and receivers. This has left me very concerned with the interthread messaging time, specifically the time it takes between a task posting data to a port, and a new task begins processing that same data on a different thread. Assuming best case situation where each thread is idle at...

Does one use WF and WCF together to build a messaging system?

I am looking to build an messaging infrastructure to facilitate communications between different systems in our organization. There are many way to go about this. I have looked into nServiceBus and MassTransit. How does WF/WCF fit into this - if at all? If it does, are there any good articles, documentation or books that focus on this...

Multiple consumers for a single queue in MassTransit

Is it possible to have several consumers listening on a single MSMQ instance and use the Selective Consumer interface for having each one deal with a distinct subset of the messages? I can't seem to get this scenario to work correctly using pub/sub - a single consumer on the queue works fine, but when using >1 consumers (several instanc...

Best database design for a discussion system with varying category types?

I would like to design a message inbox table schema for messages which may belong to individual users or user groups. Let's say we have these tables already: users table with uid (PK) groups table with gid (PK) groups_association table with gid (FK) and uid (FK) Then, what would be the best design of the message and message-post ta...

Can you send messages using MSMQ to a machine not in the same domain?

I haven't read enough about or used MSMQ till now. For many years now, I've only known that they exist. So, forgive me if my question indicates lack of rudimentary knowledge on the subject. If I have to send a message from machine A to machine B, but they are not on the same network, is it possible to use MSMQ as the message delivery me...

Observer in a distributed environment

Machine A needs to send a message to machine B. Machine A has a static IP but machine B does not. One option I could think of to solve this problem is that machine B opens a TCP connection to machine A and then machine A sends the data/message to machine B. However, this solution has the following limitations: a) It is not scalable if ...

-forwardInvocation works with Clang - LLVM but not with GCC

The following code implements an NSProxy subclass which forwards methods to an NSNumber instance. However when calling [nsproxy floatValue] I get 0.0 under GCC 4.2. Under LLVM-Clang I get the correct answer 42.0. Any idea what is going on? (by the way this is running under Garbage Collection) -(id) init; { _result = [NSNumber nu...

Design patterns for messaging / event driven infrastructure

Hi, I'm building my first system that relies heavily on a message queue for reasons other than scaling. To cut a long story short there will be many clients connected to a central server via the internet, each client has the ability to edit data on the server, when such an event occurs the other clients need to be updated live. Does an...

Exposing a service to external systems - How should I design the contract?

Hi! I know this question is been asked before here but still I'm not sure what to select. My service will be called from many 3 party system in the enterprise. I'm almost sure the information the service will collect (MyBigClassWithAllInfo) will change during the products lifetime. Is it still a good idea to expose objects? This is b...

Asynchronous vs synchronous messagin

Hi, What is difference between Asynchronous vs synchronous messaging (java) and how does it impact way in which messaging sender / receiver is implemented. how does a J2EE architecture decides to choose either. ...

Technique or utility to minimize Java "warm-up" time?

I am supporting a Java messaging application that requires low latency (< 300 microseconds processing each message). However, our profiling shows that the Sun Java Virtual Machine runs slowly at first, and speeds up after the first 5,000 messages or so. The first 5,000 messages have latency of 1-4 milliseconds. After about the first 5,00...

JBoss Seam - Massive Messaging in Application

I'´m currently twiddling with an application that has a setup matching the following chat analogy: a chat is an object that is held in memory and contains a list of chat messages a chat is rendered in several browser windows and updates are pulled in with a4j:push The programmatic setup looks like this: an instance of a chat object w...

how to design messages in a java client-server model

hello i have set up a basic client and a basic server using java sockets. it can successfully send strings between them. now i want to design some basic messages. could you give me any recommendations on how to lay them out? should i use java's serialzation to send classes? or should i just encode the information i need in a custom st...

Objectdeserialization over network

hello, i am getting an excepetion when i try to read an object from an ObjectInputStream via network like this: Socket socket = new Socket("localhost", 4444); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); while ((Object o = ois.readObject()) != null) { } Here is the exception I get: ...

Using messaging to do writes as well as reads

Hi, I come from a web background where I only have to deal with HTTP so please excuse my ignorance. I have an app which where clients listen for changes in a message queue which uses stomp. Previously the client only needed to listen to the relevant channels for messages telling them about changes on the server and update themselves ac...

Should I use messaging instead of a database

I am designing a system that will allow users to take data from one system and send to other systems. One of the destination systems has a sophisticated SOA (web services) and the other is a mainframe that accepts flat files for input. I have created a database that has a PublishEvent table and PublishEventType table. There are also n...