
What Windows message is sent to repaint a partially occluded window?

I know that WM_PAINT tells a window that it needs to repaint itself entirely, but apparently that's not the message that gets sent when it's been covered partially and then the window that was in front of it is no longer in the way and it needs to repaint the dirty portion. Does anyone know what message is sent in this case? EDIT: Foun...

Browsers and Windows Messaging

hi there I was asking myself how the browsers are working. How does the browser tell to the OS to change the mouse pointer from arrow to hand(IDC_HAND) for example. In desktop application I know that are used windows messages(right) but how it is happening in browsers? Spy++ doesn't seems to catch any of the mouse pointer messages in th...

Objective-C/Cocoa threads and messaging conundrum

Hello, I have a problem that has been plaguing me for awhile now, I have come up with a solution which I will detail below, and although it seems to be working well I'm not super enthusiastic about it from a design point of view and I'm curious if anyone would have any recommendations about a better way to do this. Basically, I have a s...

Why use AMQP/ZeroMQ/RabbitMQ....

as opposed to writing your own library. Were working on a project here that will be a self dividing server pool, if one section grows too heavy, the manager would divide it and put it on another machine as a separate process. It would also alert all connected clients this effects to connect to the new server. I am curious about using Z...

How would you design messaging functionality if I need to be able to handle attachment in ASP.NET MVC?

I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC site and part of my requirements are that users are able to message eachother. On the surface this isn't that hard of a task. Messaging in its most simplified form is simply a "Messages" table with things like, "SenderID, ReceiversID(FK), Subject, Message", etc. However, how would you handle "attachments"...

How can I create my ASP.NET MVC controller actions so they accept Files?

I've been working all weekend on a Messaging system for my website so users can send and receive messages on my site internally. I have my table schemas worked out, and right now I can send basic messages to different users. Now, I'm working on the attachments portion. How can I create my action methods so that they accept Files? Ide...

Is there a Message Bus provider that allows for Durable Subscribersand full replay?

I am trying to find a message bus provider that supports Durable Subscribers and allows me to replay, in order, based on the message timestamp, all messages for a given topic. Futhermore, I would like the message bus to reset each durable consumer's checkpoint when a message arrives late. E.g. Client subscribes to topic 1 at 2009-12-22...

Lightweight Message Bus library

I will be starting a small Java (GWT really) project in the near future and I am at "information gathering" phase. Q: Is there a lightweight Message Bus library written in Java? My requirements are lightweight too :-) async (no need for sync) multicast and point-to-point no strict message ordering message "envelope" ideally "owned" ...

c# forms communication

I have a C# application which consists of 3 forms: 1: Battleship Game GUI 2: Network GUI (does client/server connections) 3: Chat GUI Form 1 is loaded first. When the user selects setup network, Form 2 is displayed. Chats are displayed when the user opts to send a chat or when a chat is received. I would like Form 2 to process all...

How to remove SMS messages from the server

If I am the sender for using SMS, is there anyway I can remove the message that I have sent to the receiver? Perhaps programmatically? Thanks. ...

.NET Alternatives to UDP Multicast

I am looking for an alternative to using UDP multicast on the .NET Framework and am looking for suggestions. I need to send messages to several web servers running quite a few ASP.NET applications. These messages would be one-way only, coming from several different machines. UDP multicast would be perfect except that I can't use it due ...

How do I prevent RemoteObject from batching AMF messages together?

I am using Google AppEngine, in conjunction with PyAMF to provide RemoteObject support. In my Flex code I make several RemoteObject method calls at once which tends to batch the AMF Messages into a single HTTP request. Most of the time this is fine but AppEngine applies some strict per request limits (in this case I am hitting a Deadlin...

What's the best messaging plugin for Rails?

I need some standard messaging functionality in my app (i.e. messages received, messages sent, read/unread, trash, etc.) I've found a few promising leads - acts_as_messageable, has_messages, ActiveMessaging. I'm leaning toward has_messages. Any experience using these plugins? What's the best choice here? ...

Communication within .net apps on same machine + HID

Hello all, im looking for some more ideas for an architectural solution to the following. Our eng team is putting together a function specific computer for us. It runs Xp Embedded. our eng team has also developed two controllers (hardware) that are specific to the purpose of the computer and these controllers shall be seen as HID on the...

How to simulate mousemove event from one window to another?

Hello, I am trying to Create an empty window, which process the WM_MOUSEMOVE message in WinProc: case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { HWND otherHwnd = HWND(0x000608FC); POINT pt = {LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)}; ClientToScreen(otherHwnd, &pt); PostMessage(otherHwnd, WM_TIMER, WPARAM(4096), 0); PostMessage(...

Asynchronous response message from WCF to WebLogic

We are providing web service interfaces to our system using WCF. Our clients typically use some kind of middleware platform, e.g. WebLogic, to interact with us and others. For scalability and robustness reasons, we want to queue incoming requests, process them, then send a response to the middleware platform. Hence, we are not using the...

Apache Camel producers and consumers

I have difficulties wrapping my head around the concept. I am trying to implement an endpoint that listens on a tcp port for incoming messages in a proprietary format, which would then transform the message and have camel take over the forwarding and routing. Did I understand correctly that that the Producer is responsible for sending ...

client requirements for messaging system (a la MassTransit) using MSMQ?

Having not used MSMQ before, I'm not at all clear an the client environment requirements to use it. I'm designing a client/server solution that will integrate with a legacy system and I'm sold on messaging. I'd like to use a service bus implementation like MassTransit, but that requires MSMQ. Do I have to ensure that every client PC ha...

Sending MMS into different Android devices

I need to send MMS. Into my hero this code looks ugly but works: Intent sendIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.SEND_MSG"); sendIntent.putExtra("address", toText); sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "subject"); sendIntent.putExtra("sms_body", textMessage); sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.parse(url)); s...

Messaging System in .net

Hello, We have a Message broker application in Java which accepts messages(XML). It validates the XML against XSD and calls a .net Webservice and passes the validated XML. We have a requirement to do the same in .net. Do we have any API's to do this one. I am looking for a system that takes care of logging in case of errors or some kind...