
How to remove Custom Field section from Wordpress?

Hi, I am trying to remove custom fields section from Wordpress backend. I think I found a function that display custom fields. The function is located in wp-admin/edit-page-form.php line 181. do_meta_boxes('page','normal',$post) when I remove the function, Wordpress does not display other boxes as well. How do I remove a particular...

How to add wysiwyg editor in Wordpress meta box

Hello everyone, I'm creating a meta box for my custom post type. There are multiple fields where I would like to use wysiwyg editor rather than <textarea>. Is is possible to add multiple editors to a meta box? I would really appreciate your help! Many thanks. Dasha ...

Advanced dynamic WordPress custom meta boxes

Hello all, I'm in the process of creating a plugin which creates several custom post types (CPT) (all of which work just fine). Some of these CPTs require a 'custom write panel' which basically means that it has a set of custom meta boxes rather than the bog-standard 'edit' box you get with your posts or pages. One of these CPTs requir...