
Metalanaguage to describe the Model from MVC to generate identical client and server side code

I am looking for a powerful meta-language to describa behaviour for an application i intend to use in offline mode (google-gears + javascript) and server side sqlite + (php/ruby/java etc) and looking for a good format to describe the model's behaviour which can be easily converted to the target languages. Am I completely off track, and t...

Strategies for sharing common business logic across different programming languages

Having a monolithic business application with complex business logic implemented in Visual Dataflex, we are facing the challenge of maintaining our business logic across programming languages as certain features are written in other programming languages (mainly .NET). So I am looking for strategies to "synchronize" business logic acros...

Best way to implement a meta language compiling down to PHP.

I've been working on the specifikation / kitchensink for a meta language that can compile down to PHP for some time now. Now I want to begin building the thing. Before I have implemented tiny DSL's using PHP_Lexergenerator and PHP_Parsergenerator and they have worked very well but I have never build anything this scale before. I would ap...