
Receiving automatic notification from SQL Server when a table is non-empty

I would like to use an SQL Server table as an action queue. So whenever the table is non-empty, I'd like some sort of notification to my VDF application, in order to avoid constantly polling the database. VDF relies on using stdcall, the standard calling convention for the Win 32 API, or COM/ActiveX. Another solution that could work for ...

Test framework for web services

We have a monolithic application written in Visual Dataflex, and various supporting applications written in other (.NET) languages. They all share the same database, and need to follow the same business logic. One way to facilitate unified business logic across these is to provide web services as an interface for testing. Of course, for...

Strategies for sharing common business logic across different programming languages

Having a monolithic business application with complex business logic implemented in Visual Dataflex, we are facing the challenge of maintaining our business logic across programming languages as certain features are written in other programming languages (mainly .NET). So I am looking for strategies to "synchronize" business logic acros...

Test framework for [insert language here]

I am looking for a test framework to introduce automated tests for a language without much test support. As far as I can understand, I need a framework that's capable of running the VDF tests using some form of protocol. I would much rather spend my time writing tests than writing VDF code to interface with the test framework, so a light...

Is there a regular expression dll or library that I can use for a language that does not have one?

Hi, I program in Visual DataFlex. Are there any libraries that I can use to give my programs regular expression matching? It could be ActiveX, or COM, or maybe even just a DLL. ...