
Is there any better MFC 2008 Feature Pack Documentation

I'm trying to figure out how to use the CDockablePane. But the just a few total overloaded demo samples (look like marketing samples not intended for programmers) i can't find any Tutorial kind. And the reference is heavy for a medium skilled MFC hacker like me. EDIT: This is the only documentation i have at the moment: MSDN VS2010 M...

MFC Ribbon - get base element clicked from command

I have a CMFCRibbonUndoButton on the ribbon of an MFC application. I have a handler for when its ID is clicked (ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_UNDO, ...)). However, when the button is also in the quick access toolbar (QAT), there are apparently two CMFCRubbonUndoButtons which each keep their own state. In the command handler, I don't know how to ...

Docking Tabbed Pane position in VS2008 with MFC Feature Pack 1

Use naming from When I docking CPaneDialog with another CDockablePane the Tabbed Pane position is always at bottom of dock area, How to set Tabbed Pane position to top of dock area like normal tabbed control? ...

How to set a CMFCPropertyListCtrl's column width?

I'm adding properties to an object of type CMFCPropertyGridCtrl like this: myPropertyListCtrl.AddProperty( new CMFCPropertyGridProperty( _T("Name"), foo.GetName()) ); The result is that only the second column is visible but not the first that should contain "Name". I found CMFCPropertyGridCtrl::GetPropertyColumnW...

How to have a CDockablePane in the taskbar and not always on top

How can you have CDockablePane have it own panel in the Taskbar, and that it is not always on top of the main window? In other words, have the pane works like normal windows. I've tried to set the pane window's style but without success. LONG windowExStyle = GetWindowLong( GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE ); windowExStyle |= WS_EX_APPWINDOW...

Changing CFrameWnd to CFrameWndEx in MFC causes unhandled exception - any ideas?

Still getting used to this MFC lark and I've hit a brick wall on this particular problem. I'm updating some legacy code to use some of the more refined controls available in the MFC Feature Pack. Following the examples given online for updating an old MFC app, changing the base application class to CWinAppEx works fine, but when I chan...

How can I make a CMFCRibbonEdit automatically convert contents to uppercase?

I am using the MFC Feature pack in Visual Studio 2008. I have an edit box (CMFCRibbonEdit) in a ribbon that I would like only to contain uppercase letters. I know that I can pass ES_UPPERCASE to the "Create" method, however "Create" is called from the Ribbon itself, and not explicitly by my code. To add the edit box to my ribbon, I call...

How to change RibbonStatusBarPane text color ?

Hi My application is using MFC Ribbon(VS2008 + Feature pack9). I'm not able to change RibbonStatus Bar Pane text color.I override the virtual int DrawPaneText(CDC* pDC, const CString& strText, CRect rectText, UINT uiDTFlags) function but things are not working. In non Ribbon Status Bar there is a function void SetPaneTextColor(int nInd...

Discard ALT key press in CMainFrame

I'm having the following code: CMainFrame* pFrame = new CMainFrame; if (!pFrame) return FALSE; m_pMainWnd = pFrame; // create and load the frame with its resources pFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_APP_MAINFRAME, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | FWS_ADDTOTITLE, NULL, NULL); // The one and only window has been initialized, so show and update it pFr...

Visual Studio 2010 - C++ MFC application with Ribbon UI - Transparency in bitmaps

I am playing around with a small MFC-wizard-generated application, in Visual C++ 2010, and I just decided to put my own bitmap into the resources to replace the three-cubes MFC bitmap that shows up in the ribbon UI Application Button, aka the "marble". The original appeared to use black (0,0,0) as a transparency color, but I am unable t...

Is it possible to add a CMFCRibbonEdit to a CMFCToolBar

Can a CMFCRibbonEdit control be added to a CMFCToolBar using the 2008 feature pack? Ray ...

Is it possible to manipulate the menu of my CMDIFrameWndEx's CMFCMenuBar?

My main frame has a CMFCMenuBar member, which contains the menu of the current document type. I would like to add/remove a sub-menu dynamically. For example, if the user chooses to display a map pane, I want to add a map submenu next to the "File" menu. Vice versa, if the map pane gets closed, I also want to remove the map menu items. ...

CMFCPropertySheet Apply button disabled

I created a CMFCPropertySheet derived class and added 2 CMFCPropertyPage derived classes using AddPage(). In both added page classes i've overridden the OnApply() method. When the pages are created and their OnCreate() is called i call SetModified(TRUE). I hoped the Apply bu...