
Why is CMFCMenuBar not utilizing the accelerator table?

In a doc/view project using VS2008, a MFCMenuBar seems to load the correct MENU resource (IDR_MAINFRAME) from the project, since adding and removing menu items is reflected in the menu's UI. It even appends the accelerators to the default menu items (e.g. Ctrl+O to the Open... item). However, the accelerator table (IDR_MAINFRAME) doesn...

CMFCPropertyGridProperty numeric input

Hi All, I'm using MFC feature pack and I have a dockable properties window. How do I restrict the user from typing any other characters but numbers alone in the values field? Thanks... ...

How to close dynamically created CDockablePane windows?

In my MFC (Feature Pack) application one can dynamically create docking panes to display charts/tables etc. However, I don't want to let the user open the same thing twice. I create a pane like this: // Create CMyDockablePane pPane pPane->Create(...); pPane->EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // Create CRect rcPane pPane->FloatPane(rcPane)...

CMFCButton with Vista Style

I can't seem to get a CMFCButton to be displayed in Vista style in a dialog box application. I'm using VS2008 with MFC Feature Pack. Here are some steps to reproduce my problem: Create a new MFC Project; Specify a Dialog based project. Add two buttons to the main dialog. Add a variable for each button. Make one of the variables a CBut...

MFC Wizard Appearance

I have a MFC wizard based application (CPropertySheet, CPropertyPage) created with vS2008. I am trying to give my app which is nearly completed a more modern look. I looked into CDHTMLDIalog but it looks like a lot of work and not too well documented. Next I thought I could use some of the features of the Feature Pack. I found a threa...

Will the Scenic Ribbon ever be supported by the MFC Feature Pack?

My team has spent a long time developing a nice UI using the ribbon included in the VS2008 MFC Feature Pack. Now that Windows 7 is out and the look and feel of the ribbon has changed, my application looks out of date already, and it hasn't even been released yet :/ I want the look and feel of the Windows 7 ribbon ("scenic ribbon") idea...

How can I extend a CMFCRibbonPanel in MFC feature Pack

I want to extend CMFCRibbonPanel - but the constructor is protected (I get the following error: cannot access protected member declared in class 'CMFCRibbonPanel'). The only way to obtain a CMFCRibbonPanel instance is by calling "category->AddPanel", but this way I cannot extend the CMFCRibbonPanel class. Any suggestions? ...

Help finding issue with tooltip on CMFCMenuBar

I have an MFC app using the new UI features released in the Feature Pack and I'm having trouble with tooltips on the menubar. By default, I beleive tooltips are not enabled on menu items. Yet whenever I hover over the 2nd item in any of the menu lists I get a tooltip with "Untitled" in the popup. The only time this does not occur is whe...

How to dock CPaneDialog to MainFrm and.. ?

Hello, I have problem with CPaneDialog. I tested with SetPaneSize MFC feature pack sample projects. What is weird is that CPaneDialog can't be docked to MainFrm while CDockablePane can be. The CPaneDialog is also a child class of the CDockablePane, but it can't be. Only DockToWindow( &other_CPaneDialog_instance... ) is possible. If I ca...

CMFCToolbar layout not restored properly between sessions

I'm having a problem with the CMFCToolbar class where the positions of the toolbars are not being restored properly between sessions. Here is a screen shot of how the toolbars are arranged before the app is closed: Here is a screen shot of how the toolbars are restored when the app is launched again: Notice the large gap that appe...

how to add an image along with text in a button in MFC?

hello all,Am having a hard time in adding image along with a text in a Button..I know that it can be done by enabling the owner draw function with bitmapbutton class..But I dont want to is ther anyother way that i can add an image along with text without drawing the text? ...

How to Place DialogBar or Dialog box into pane in vc 2008 or vc 2010 Beta

Hi now i am working in 2003 vc++ and i am converting(migrating) my project in to vc 2008 or new vc 2010 Beta,i saw the feature pack of 2008,2010 regards CDockable Pane(Auto Hode,floating),so i require this features ,i want to place a dialogbox or dialog bar into pane(CDockable Pane class), so i done this in my following code Myframe Cod...

MFC's CMFCRibbonGallery and CMFCToolBarImages. Anyone got them to work?

I'm trying to load prepopulate a CMFCToolBarImages instance with HBITMAPs and then pass this to a CMFCRibbonGallery but nothing shows up. I mean the gallery is on the ribbon, and it appears to be sizing itself appropriate but zero interaction or non-background coloured pixels in the central "gallery thumbnail" section. Thoughts anyone? ...

How to change the CDockablePane caption

How do I force a refresh the caption of a CDockablePane in the MFC feature pack? I'm working with the tabbed visual studio style example, and I want to change the captions for the tabs. These seem to be cached somewhere though, as when I change from the defaults, it uses what the app used on it's previous run. I can find nothing in ...

Dockable panes created in CChildFrame not visible the second time the app. starts.

Hi, I have created some dockable panes in CChildFrame::OnCreate() The first time i start the application they are shown. The second time i start the application they are created but the splitterwindows are completly against the sides of the clients area (bottom and right), so not visible. So i have to use the mouse to pull the splitters...

CDockablePane window in CChildFrame disappears when dragged with mouse

Hi, I have created dockable panes in my CChildFrame class in OnCreate() : int CChildFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CMDIChildWndEx::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; // TODO: Add your specialized creation code here /* m_wndToolBar.Create(this, AFX_DEFAULT_TOOLBAR_STYLE, IDR_CHILDFRAME); ...

Show CMFCRibbonStatusBar

Hi, I'm creating a simple SDI app using the new VS2008 service pack. I added ribbon support but all I want on the ribbon are the Open & Close buttons. I commented out all the code that creates the other default buttons and categories but doing this also gets rid of the status bar (CMFCRibbonStatusBar). I can't find what member function i...

Is it possible to create a CImageList with alpha blending transparency?

I would like to knwo if it is possible to create a CImageList with alpha blending transparency. Sample code that creates a CImageList with ugly transparency (no alpha blending) CGdiPlusBitmapResource m_pBitmap; m_pBitmap.Load(IDB_RIBBON_FILESMALL,_T("PNG"),AfxGetResourceHandle()); HBITMAP hBitmap; m_pBitmap.m_pBitmap->GetHBITMAP(RGB(0...

MFC SDI Application without a default "New Document" on Startup

My application is an SDI with multiple views. By default, it creates a new document when the application starts. I want to modify this behavior so that a new document is created only when user explicitly clicks on "New". Or at least mimic this behavior. Any ideas? I am using Visual Studio 2008 with MFC feature pack. I googled and found s...

How to use F10 as a shortcut in an MFC application using a Ribbon

Hello, I developed an MFC application using VS2008 and the MFC featurepack. This application UI is using a ribbon. I now need to have F10 as a proper shortcut for one of the critical feature of my application but I seem to be unable to set the accelerator correctly as it always use the default ribbon accelerator over mine. Any idea ho...