
Why is one of my ScrollViewer commands not working in ListBox template?

Got a weird problem here. I have created a template for a ListBox based on the standard template (i.e. I have not changed anything other than what I indicate below). I am trying to add a couple of buttons to the side of the template so that I can scroll the ScrollViewer (which is part of the standard ListBox template) left and right. Th...

Tap-And-Hold Event on ScatterViewItem

Hi, I can't find infos on how to receive custom gestures on ScatterViewItems. I want "Tap-And-Hold" to invoke a function in the class behind my template. ...

Implementing Two-finger scroll with Windows 7 Surface Toolkit - need some thoughts!

I'm working with the Surface Toolkit and am willing to code a basic two-finger scroll algorithm for Scatterviews which contain FlowDocumentScrollViewer , but I'm not exactly sure how to do this. How is the math done if you take into consideration that even rotated ScatterViews should be scrollable? What else do I need to take into consi...

ScatterViewItem custom size

Hello. I develop surface app using MVVM pattern. I have different Views and I want to place them into one ScatterView. I want my ScatterViewItem size correspond to the size of my Views? code example: <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:PointListViewModel}"> <Grid> <v:PointListView> ...

Good way to start programming for Microsoft Surface

I'd like to start to program for Microsoft Surface. So i searched for some ressources in the Internet. Do you have any recommendations for good introductions in this topic? ...

Using WPF expander control on microsoft surface platform

I am trying to use the Expander control in the surface application. I have seen its not a surface control so application compiles and control shows up but the contacts are not working. Is there anyway I can modify the contact events and make it work in surface applications. ...

Is it really necessary to use Windows Vista or higher to develop for Microsoft Surface?

I tried to start developing for Microsoft Surface. For that I first installed Visual Studio 2008. Then I followed this guide: However there it says that only Windows Vista is supported. I'm still running Windows XP on my laptop and old PC and I don't want to update if not absolutely...

Is it possible to run a Perl Script on MS Surface?

And if this is possible, how can I do that? ...

How to attach an object to an event in C#/.NET?

I defined the following DataTemplate for a LibraryContainer: <DataTemplate x:Key="ContainerItemTemplate"> <Grid> <Border BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="White" Margin="3"> <s:SurfaceTextBox IsReadOnly="True" Width="120" Text="{Binding Path=name}" Padding="3"/> </Border> ...

findResource() not working with DataTemplate

I defined a DataTemplate the following way: <s:SurfaceWindow.Resources> <ImageBrush x:Key="WindowBackground" Stretch="None" Opacity="0.6" ImageSource="pack://application:,,,/Resources/WindowBackground.jpg"/> <DataTemplate x:Key="ContainerItemTemplate"> <Grid> <Border BorderThickness="1" BorderBru...

ScatterView and ViewBox is not working as expected

I defined the following layout: <Grid Name="RootGrid" Background="{StaticResource WindowBackground}" > <s:ScatterView Name="RootScatter"> <Viewbox> <s:LibraryContainer Name="RootContainer" Grid.Row="0" ViewingMode="Bar"> <s:LibraryContainer.BarView> <s:BarVi...

How to find a point that is on the same circle given an angle?

I have the following setting: I know P1, P2 and the angle alpha, now how do i calculate the coordinates of P3? (Note: P3 is on the same circle with origin P1 and radius P1P2) The blue lines indicate the coordinate system ...