
In MS C# Unit Testing, how to Assert that an ArgumentException occured?

If we do a throw new ArgumentException("Cannot do that"); How do you Assert that this ArgumentException happened with Microsoft's Testing Framework? ...

Extracting MDX calculated members' values

Does anyone know of a way to "extract" the formulas for all calculated members of a cube into some kind of flat, readable file? Alternatively, a less-painful method of getting an overview of the code than using Analysis Services' Cube Editor and clicking on each Calculated Member would be helpful. Yes, I'm new to MDX. Many thanks! ...

ISA Proxy Server can't pass MSDN websites

I can get here, but no one at work using our proxy can seem to get to MSDN. Our Network Administrator has no clue. He said if I could figure it out, he'd fix it. He thinks it is because the ISA Server is too old to understand Microsoft's newer HTML technology. ...

Future of community projects in .Net

Hi guys, I've been lately thinking about future of open source community projects in .Net. What raises this problem is actually Microsoft devouring all those projects and replacing them with its own ones. Every new version of .Net framework brings not only clr or language improvements, but also some super new features which slowly, but ...

Visual Studio 2010 installation path

I want to get the path of my Visual Studio 2010 installation. I tried to get it from the Windows registry. It works perfectly for specific SKU. For example, Ultimate version of VS2010 usesHKLM\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Setup\VS key to store the installation path. But the Express version has a different path in the registry. H...

vLookup from combo box

I want to perform a vLookup from a combo box in excel. I have a table of customers that I have linked from Access. I have a combo box that is populated with the customer names from linked table. I want it set up so that when you select a customer it fills in their other information; address, phone, email, etc. I know how to do a vLooku...

seems as bug in MS VC2010 lambda expressions ?

Behaviour of a lambda expression used in static initializers magically depends on local variables initialized inside lambda body int static_1 = [=]() -> int { int k_=7;// if this statement presents, the lambda doesn't work (static_1 remains uninitialized) return 5; } (); int static_2= [=]() -> int { //Ok wi...

How to access a user control's fields and methods without regitering the control?

Hello, I have a ASP.Net project that is setup in such a way that it can be dropped into any site and "just work." All the paths are relative to the current file, not relative to the "~". The paths are determined by ThePath = this.TemplateSourceDirectory; This is working for everything expect registering a custom control that is created...

Why is the Photos app source code not public?

Couldn't find a trace of the source code behind the Photos application that runs on MS Surface by default. If anyone has a link to the source code, could you please also let me know? If it's not only can any MSFT moderators please tell me why? Thanks! ...

ASP.NET Microsoft CRM Starter kit

Can anybody recommend a "starter kit" or basic framework for an web app that can read data from Microsoft Dynamics CRM? No updates are required from the app at this time, just reads. I'm currently reading through the SDK documentation but a simplified project would be quite handy. Thanks ...

Is HTML 5 + CSS 3 >= Microsoft Silverlight

It is said that the unreleased HTML 5 and CSS 3 can produce the effects and graphics which can be done in Microsoft Silverlight. It thats true then can I skip learning Silverlight and wait for HTML5 and CSS 3? ...

Visual Studio 2010 built-in fake/test data generator for SQL Server

I few months back I attended a Microsoft EnergizeIT seminar where they were showing some of the capabilities of their latest development products. One of the things they had shown that really caught my eye was a built in mock data generator tool to generate mass amounts of fake data from a few seed lists. I don't remember the name of the...

Do you think Microsoft technology grow too fast?

My english is not good, because i'm from HongKong, but i am interesting on what people feeling on another country. now i work on C#,,VB,PHP. In last few years, microsoft release many technology: from .NET framework 3.0 WPF WCF LinQ Entity Framework Silverlight , Azure Services Framework ASP.NET MVC and many things such as MVVM,...

Microsoft Reciprocal License (Ms-RL)

Does anybody knows if I can use (opens source) software components/controls, which are under the Microsoft Reciprocal License (Ms-RL), in commercial projects ? Can anybody provide me a good and above all clear site with a overview of all open source licences and their restrictions ? ...

Microsoft Sync framework, bi-directional sync delete operation

I have been using Microsoft sync framework and compact framework to sync windows mobile database with sql server 2008 database and I am using bi-directional sync for some tables. what i want to do is if a record gets deleted on client db, i dont want the record on server db to be deleted. How can this be done? ...

Can you programmatically interact with Component-Based Servicing (TrustedInstaller)?

I have been trying to find out how to programmatically interact with Component-Based Servicing (CBS) which is basically the TrustedInstaller and other services. With the goal to be able to query CBS for what packages are installed and get any other information they may have on installed packages. Here is a link to a overview of it. Bas...

Retrieve CampaignResponse Details from CRM

hi I have a Created a campaign in the CRM. Now users register for this Campaign and the results are stored as CampaignResponse objects. I need to retrieve the details of a particular CampaignResponse by a given Email Id. Can someone please tell me how can i achieve this!! Any help would be appreciated. thank you. ...

Which technology ocean to swim for a software engineer, Microsoft or OpenSource/Linux/Java?

Hi mates, I'm a software engineering student from Turkey and I'm trying to lead my career as best I could. A software engineer should have knowledge of any technology, C, C++, Java, C#, Linux, Windows etc. But a human can't be a real professional at all of them. They are technology oceans continuously grow... For a software engineerin...

How do I make SqlBulkCopy work with MS Enterprise Library?

I've got some code which uses SqlBulkCopy. And now we're refactoring our code to use Enterprise Library database functions instead of standard ones. The question is how can I instantiate SqlBulkCopy? It accepts SqlConnection, and I only have DbConnection. var bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connection) // here connection is SqlConnection { ...

Where can I get the cabarc utility?

I'm trying to compile a program which uses cabarc.exe, but I don't have cabarc.exe. The problem is that the Microsoft Cabinet SDK is no longer available so I can't get it from there either. Where can I get this file? P.S. I'm looking for a download from a trusted source such as ...